Chapter 2: The Future Awaits

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[Isla's POV]

T-Treward! You fool!

In a split second of selfless bravery, Treward, the seemingly unassuming assistant, sprang into action, heedless of his own safety. With lightning reflexes, he shoved me aside just as a mammoth tomedescended down from the highest shelf, its massive bulk hurtling towards us with deadly intent. With a sickening thud, the weighty volume collided with Treward instead, its impact sending him staggering backwards, a pained cry escaping his lips as he bore the brunt of the blow. As the book crashed to the ground, a deep gash marred Treward's flesh, scarlet blood staining his pale skin in contrast. It was evident that this was no mere flesh wound; the severity of the injury was clear in the way he grimaced in pain, his breath coming in ragged gasps. And as I looked up at the highest shelf, it dawned on me with chilling clarity—the tome that had fallen must have been one of the heaviest volumes in the library, perched precariously atop its lofty perch, waiting for the opportune moment to unleash its devastating force upon unsuspecting victims below!

Don't worry about me, Sir! Unlike you, I'm young and can take a hit-GAH!

YOU CALL ME WEAK!? (; ఠ ਉ ఠ)

With a heavy heart, I withdrew my boot from Treward's unfortunate testicles, a pang of remorse tugging at my conscience. Yet, amidst the twinge of guilt, there simmered a stubborn sense of vindication. Treward's careless insult had provoked my wrath, leaving me with no choice but to retaliate in kind. As he crumpled to the ground, clutching his injured pride, I couldn't help but feel a fleeting sense of satisfaction—a small victory in the face of disrespect.

With a resigned sigh, I conceded that it would be best for Treward to remain where he lay, allowing him the chance to recuperate from both the blow of the hefty tome and the consequences of his ill-advised words. And as I turned away, leaving him to nurse his wounds, I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that perhaps I had been too harsh in my retribution. Yet, in the heat of the moment, there had been no room for leniency—only the swift and unforgiving hand of justice.

I surveyed the chaotic scene before me, scanning the faces of those gathered in search of another individual who could serve as an errand boy or errand girl. Yet, my hopes dwindled as I realized that I was the only one left standing, unscathed amidst the aftermath of calamity. The others, it seemed, had all fallen victim to the whims of fate, their injuries serving as stark reminders of the surprising number of dangers that lurked within the grand library. They all seemed to have been either hit by.... Oh that's right, I don't really care. They can still breathe so that's that!

Stay here! I'll go send people from the infirmary!

No need, Sir. I'll-


With a swift and relentless motion, fueled by a surge of indignation, I swung the hefty tome that had previously struck Treward across his cheek. The impact echoed through the chamber, a sharp crack resounding in the air as the book made contact with his skin. For a fleeting moment, the room seemed to hold its breath, the outcome of my retaliatory strike hanging in the balance.

As Treward staggered backwards, a stunned expression etched upon his features, I paid little heed to his condition, my focus consumed by a singular desire to leave this place behind and get the medics to deal with it. Ignoring the pang of guilt that gnawed at me, I turned on my heel and strode purposefully towards the exit.

Despite my attempts to maintain a facade of indifference, I couldn't shake the realization that perhaps Treward's taunts might have been right. The mess of the library, with its cluttered piles of books and treacherous hazards, had exposed a vulnerability within me—a weakness that I had long sought to conceal... I'm old!

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