Chapter 7: Let's Talk

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[Thaijou's POV]

Seriously, can you believe Heartless actually ran into the dude while he was out searching for me afterI managed to get myself lost again? I couldn't believe it until he just up and about and presented me with Garn the farmer and some random foreign guy. 

Well at least he found the kid, but is this seriously him? I was expecting someone.. well... stronger lookin'. I can't shake this feeling that maybe somewhere along the line, Heartless got his nerves crossed or something, cause even though the kids got cool abilities, the thought of him being strong is... well... weird...

Strolling through the reception area of the Grand Library, I couldn't help but steal a glance over my shoulder at the kid I was hauling along. And once again, that same nagging question crept into my mind. Is this supposed Rift Dweller really just a kid who could barely pass for fourteen or fifteen? But hey, he seemed alright, I guess.

Despite the stares he was getting from everyone because of his outfit, he didn't seem too bothered, which tells me he's pretty confident. And he wasn't whining or anything after being whooshed to another world, which I guess means he's competent or something. Hopefully, I didn't screw up using that word. 

We kept on trekking towards the main hall where Isla's office is, and I gotta admit, it was super awkward trudging along in silence. But luckily, we bumped into someone I knew, and that awkwardness dialed down a notch or two.

General, it is great to see you!

Treward! How have... you... been... umm...

The kid's ringed with bandages! Heard there were a bunch of people getting hurt from books and whatnot falling, but dang, didn't think it was bad enough to mess with his walk! He looks like a drunk penguin!

I'm sorry you had to see me this way, I suffered some strange injuries and can't exactly remember how. I think the book falling on my head made everything a little bit fuzzy.

S-Sure, but what kind of injuries are we talking about? Are you sure you should be 'walking'?

Well... please don't tell anyone about this, but in addition to having a gnash in my head from a falling book, which I do remember, I've also seemed to take a minor fracture to the zygomatic bone on one side and also took heavy damage to my gonad.

Zygomatic bones? Gonad?

I don't know these words and I think Treward realised it, which was when he started blushing.

My cheekbone and testicle...


I-I-I see... so umm...

He sort of leaned to the right and peeked over my shoulder, blatantly checking out the kid tagging along behind me. The moment we both spotted the boy's utterly bewildered face, we couldn't help but burst into a snicker, and just like that, his look went from puzzled to puzzled but twenty times better! He's probably thinking he looks like an idiot or something.

Wow. He really is foreign and doesn't understand what's happening around him. I have little doubt he's the rift dweller.


I reckon he caught onto my shock 'cause a grin spread across his face as soon as he opened his mouth to speak.

Sir Isla trusts me a lot more than you think. Shall we get a move on?

I gave a nod and began trailing after him with the kid trailing behind me. Felt kinda like we were playing some sorta kiddie game, like Catterpillar or whatever. Stepping into the main section, I was practically buzzing with excitement, eager to see the look on the boy's face when he caught sight of the interior! I mean, c'mon, this place is one of Olvia's crowning glories, ya know? 

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