Chapter 11: Kidnapped

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[Zeef's POV]

I can't sleep. Tomorrow's the big move to Coldwart Academy and my brain's decided to go into overdrive! All I've managed to do is stare at the moon, contemplating how long it'll be until I'm back home with the family. That said, I'll only be a few days travel away from Olvia's capital where my uncle is.

I'm wondering if Kuro's still up. After tomorrow, it's probably going to be a good long while before I see her again. And she's going to have grown up a little by then and might not want to play with her older brother anymore. Maybe I'll go see if she's awake; we can have a pillow fight or something else fun if she is. Four-year-olds aren't that hard to entertain, after all.

As I crept down the hallway, the doors loomed on my left, their frames blending into the shadows, while moonlight spilled through the windows on my right, casting ghostly shapes on the floor

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As I crept down the hallway, the doors loomed on my left, their frames blending into the shadows, while moonlight spilled through the windows on my right, casting ghostly shapes on the floor. The carpet was already doing a decent job of muffling my steps, but caution was still paramount. You never knew if some of the staff fancied themselves a break and decided to commandeer one of these vacant guest rooms for a quick nap. Maybe they were just too exhausted to trek back to their own quarters, or perhaps too lazy to bother. And then there were those who sought the privacy to engage in activities best kept behind closed doors. I didn't want to know the details; let them satisfy their desires in peace, as long as they kept the noise away from Kuro's room.

Her room is just around the corner. Why my parents decided to give a four-year-old her own room in the most deserted part of the mansion is beyond me. Maybe it's because they enjoy calling her a big girl, and she revels in it too much. They aren't clueless; they're well aware of the staff's shenanigans, but I suppose they trust them enough to keep away from Kuro's room if they're gonna take part in anything adulterated. Besides, it's not like there aren't any guards stationed around... oh my god.

Ahead of me was a guard, draped in silver armour that gleamed under the moon's soft glow.


I rolled my eyes and decided to press on, choosing to ignore the slumbering sentinel. I wasn't about to waste my time waking her up, but I planned to report this to my parents and give them a piece of my mind. To think the guards they stationed in Kuro's area are this unreliable! What if something bad were to happe-

What the fuck is that?!

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What the fuck is that?!

Tsk! How did you know I was here?! I doubt I made any disturbances!

It talked! But its mouth didn't budge! Is that a mask!? 

Zeef Splixin, son of Kaizuma Splixin and Saaya Coldwart. You're better than I thought - Being able to detect me like this. How did you do it?

I didn't respond; fear had a tight grip on me, rendering me speechless. Every nerve in my body tingled with apprehension as I stared at the motionless figure before me! Even though I knew it was just a mask, my heart was pounding in my chest, and a cold sweat broke out on my brow. The eerie stillness of the night seemed to amplify the dread pulsing through my veins.

Hold on, are you scared? Don't tell me you just happened to walk in on me while taking a stroll!

Still unable to utter a word, frustration welled up within me. I needed to act, to do something. My mind raced, considering using my lightning to confront the situation, but then, a sudden sight struck me! 


Was that my sister tucked away behind his cloak!? 

My heart lurched in my chest as I noticed her unmoving form, not even a hint of activity.

Ah this? Don't worry about her, she's just sleeping. The fact that you arrived is actually a good thing. Pass a message on to mommy and daddy will y-

Summoning my yellow shafts of lightning, I enveloped my fist in crackling energy, pure rage coursing through my veins as I charged forward. Frozen in fear moments ago, this threat to my sister changed everything. With a fierce resolve, I aimed a powerful strike directly at the face of the intruder. I refused to let him harm my sister, and I'd fight tooth and nail to protect her!

But my strength still fails me.

Despite my hopes of inflicting some damage and rescuing my sister before making a run for it, I was fatally mistaken. My fist was imbued with lightning, ready to strike, but it remained ensnared in the enemy's grasp. Realising that escape wouldn't come as easily as I'd hoped made me feel like I was sinking!

Woah ho ho! Feisty! Well, if it makes you feel any better, I only need one of you.


The man, treating my sister as if she were nothing more than disposable trash, casually swayed his hand and tossed her aside. My gut clenched as I heard her body collide with the wall with a sickening thud, and then again as she dropped to the floor. A splatter of red stained the wall - a sight that filled me with rage and despair! I wanted to kill this bastard, but I can't even pull my own hand away!

Just you wait! I'll-

What a joke.

He didn't even give me a chance to finish my sentence before driving his free hand into my stomach, the force of the blow knocking the air out of me entirely. Agony shot through my body, and my vision blurred as the world spun around me. Consciousness began to slip away, but even as it did, I could still hear the vile words of the attacker echoing in my ears.

Don't worry. You'll be seeing your parents soon. I'll leave them a note for where they should come and pick you up from the party.

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