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Neteyam had been talking A LOT to ryvian.

They texted almost all the time and hung out during school at the times they could.

Neteyam had even skipped on of his elective classes to hang out with ryvian.

The two also faced time all the time, even if it was the most randomest conversations.

A lot of times they even fell asleep on call together.

Neteyam was really starting to like this boy too, more than just friends.
And neteyam had a feeling that maybe ryvian felt the same too.

Today neteyam was at tsireya's house, him, Kiri, and tsireya were sitting in her room one face time with ryvian.

They were mostly talking drama about school and about how they hated certain things and people.

And tsireya and Kiri kept trying to get ryvian and neteyam to explain their types to which neteyam kept avoiding the question.

Ryvian would give small answers like that he liked people who were nice and caring and he could joke around with.

"Tsireya" Aonung's voice said from behind the door, he opened it without knocking but when he saw the face time and realized he was in the frame and instantly hid himself out of the frame with an annoyed groan.

"Sorry ryvian we gotta go" neteyam mumbled sheepishly but ryvian understood. "Alright, we'll talk later bye neteyam" ryvian said through the phone.

Neteyam said bye before hanging up the phone and aonung entered back in the room.

"Mom wanted us all downstairs for lunch, lo'ak and rotxo are already at the table" aonung said, his eyes shifted over to neteyam and he glared at him.

Tsireya stood up and Kiri and neteyam followed her, aonung waited till the three were out of the room till he followed behind.

"Was that ryvian on the phone" aonung whispered to neteyam and neteyam frowned. "Why do you care?" Neteyam spat.

"Why are you friends with ryvian!?" Aonung asked, his tone didn't sound Happy and it annoyed neteyam.

"Because he's a good person" neteyam frowned, he hated how aonung always thought he was entitled to know things.

"Well you shouldn't be friends with him" aonung told neteyam. "I don't care what you want me to do" neteyam snapped and aonung glared at him.

"Fag" aonung hissed under his breath as he shouldered past neteyam.

Neteyam had to fight back lashing out at aonung.

But it did anger him of to why aonung was so homophobic when he was trans, but neteyam didn't say anything.


It was Sunday and neteyam was rushing to tidy up his room, he had invited ryvian over and now he wanted to make a perfect impression on ryvian.

He half about jumped when his phone rang and he answered it to ryvian's voice.

"Do you prefer sour or sweet candy?" Ryvian asked through the phone and neteyam smiled slightly. "Sour, I love sour patch kids" neteyam told ryvian.

"Alright, sour candy it is!" Ryvian said before greeting neteyam goodbye.

Ten minutes later ryvian was at neteyam's door and neteyam was quick to answer it. "Hey" neteyam said softly, welcoming ryvian in.

"We can go up to my room" neteyam said before noticing the plastic bag full of goodies ryvian had brought.

"What all did you get?" Neteyam asked and ryvian smiled. "I'll empty it in your room" ryvian said, the two interlocked hands and it made neteyam's heart flutter.

Neteyam led ryvian upstairs and to his room.

He had set up his bed and the TV to the movie choice they were going to watch, which was Jumanji.

Ryvian emptied the bag on neteyams bed and it had a bunch of candy, two big bags of Takis and a salt and vinegar chips and two Arizona teas.

The candy was a big bag of sour patch kids and a bag of sweet tart ropes.

"You are actually the best" neteyam smiled and ryvian chuckled, sitting down in neteyam's bed.

The two got comfortable in neteyam's bed with the snacks spread out close to them and neteyam started the movie.

Halfway through the movie neteyam ended up covering himself up in his blanket and laying his head on ryvian's shoulder, ryvian held his hand under the blanket.

Once the movie ended neteyam yawned and stretched before sitting up in the bed, his shoulder right next to ryvian's.

"What did you think?" Neteyam asked, grabbing more sour patch kids and eating them.

"It was good, I like the movie" ryvian smiled and neteyam laid his head back on ryvian's shoulder.

"Hey neteyam" ryvian asked and neteyam turned his head slightly to look at ryvian. "Yeah?"

"Is the reason you had to hang up that phone yesterday because of Aonung?" Ryvian asked. "Sorry I just keep thinking about it he's making fun of you or something"

"Um, yeah sort of" neteyam sighed sitting up a little more. "But it's nothing bad I just don't want there to be more problems" neteyam admitted honestly.

"God he's such a a fucking jerk" ryvian said bitterly.

"He's not that bad ryvian I swear" neteyam mumbled quietly.

"He's a homophobic bitch neteyam!"

"He's only homophobic around his friends!" Neteyam told ryvian, he didn't know why he was defending aonung but he was.

"And why's that!?" Ryvian asked bitterly and neteyam frowned, maybe he should be truthful with ryvian.

After all ryvian wasn't a bad person or anything.

"Aonung is trans, I think he's only homophobic with his friends so no one thinks anything bad about him" neteyam told ryvian and ryvian looked shocked.

"Aonung is trans?"

Uh oh 😱 you fucked up neteyam.
Word count: 937

the get along rule (neteyamxaonung)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon