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Aonung's pov:

Neteyam knew the worst secret of all. Aonung couldn't believe this random kid actually knew.

He sat anxiously in class, his eyes boring into neteyam's back, he talked with Kiri and aonungs heart raced. What if he's telling her what I am?

Aonung worried, how could he trust neteyam with such a big secret of his when he didn't even truly know neteyam.

"Ao' bro you good?" One of Aonung's friends snapped him back into attention at the same time he bit down hard on his nail, causing it to break.

Aonung cleared his throat before nodding, fixing his position he sat more up right. "Yeah, I'm good" aonung shrugged off but his eyes still kept finding their way to stare at neteyam.

Aonung knew he was screwed if neteyam told anyone, he was screwed regardless that neteyam knew. No one was supposed to know except his family and rotxo.

The bell for the class to end cut completely through his throats and he rushed to pack up, trying to clear his mind of anything related to neteyam.

He couldn't deal with it, not right now.

"Ao' come on it's clubs!" One of his friends called as he shoved his notebook in his backpack.
Shit aonung had completely forgot about clubs and he was supposed to be running the try out stand with another teammate.

"Yeah let's go" aonung sighed, he had to hurry down to the cafeteria, he walked way faster than his other friends.

It was all neteyam's fault, aonung was constantly worried that neteyam was gonna open his loud mouth but each time he didn't, not enough for aonung to hear it at least.

But even at the basketball club stand he couldn't even focus on basketball, he paced back and forth and when people were talking to him he barely kept the conversation going.

How long has it been since I first came out. Aonung's eyes flashed to his basketball friends, his heart thumped loudly in his chest. If neteyam knows does that mean they do too?

"I gotta go to the bathroom" aonung announced to his friends, he didn't even wait for them to respond, he left the stand.

He felt anxious and he didn't know why, he quickly hurried out of the busy area, down the halls where the science rooms sit.

No one wanted to come near the science rooms, they always smelled.

Aonung took in deep breath, the air tasted sour and he swallowed thickly, he felt that this was happening for no reason.

He couldn't understand why he was feeling this way, it wasn't like neteyam had said anything or outed him.

But maybe it was the fear that neteyam knew something he desperately tried to keep secret.

And some part of Aonung believed neteyam would look at him differently.

Aonung sunk to the hard tile floor, pulling his phone out of his pocket he turned it on.

Five years.
It had been five years since aonung fist came out in his freshman year of highschool.

Five years he had kept it secret because he didn't want to experience what he did his freshman year.

"Aonung?" A voice called and aonung turned his head to see the science Professor tsutey.

Tsutey was also the basketball coach and him wnd aonung had gotten real close, aonung practically viewed tsutey as an uncle.

"What are you doing hidden over here?" Tsutey asked, he approached aonung, sitting down next to him but giving aonung his space.

"Just taking a breather coach" aonung mumbled, resting his chin on his pulled up knees.

"Did something happen?" Tsutey asked and aonung shrugged his shoulders. It was a big deal to him but he didn't know if it would be a big deal if he were to say it out loud.

"It's nothing, I just needed a moment I guess" Aonung eventually said as tsutey waited patiently for him to speak.

"That okay, we all need a moment away from the crowds sometimes" tsutey said honestly, he started to stand up, looking back down at aonung.

"Classes are about to start though" tsutey commented, he checked the nice looking watch he wore on his wrist.

"Already?" Aonung sighed, he wondered how long he had just been sitting there, it didn't feel that long.

Aonung stood to his feet, shoving his phone back in his pocket, he followed behind tsutey till they had to cut different paths.

And then the bell ring, dismissing the clubs to go to class.

Aonung wasn't ready for class, he had to hike all the way back up to third floor for math class, and of course it was neteyam.

Be wished clubs took up the full hour of math but they didn't, and now he was dreading going to that class.

"Aonung wait up!" A familiar voice called and he practically froze on the first step of the stairs.

Out of all people it just had to be neteyam.

"Hey, I saw you during clubs" neteyam said, he walked right beside aonung on the stairs, aonung forced himself to keep his head down.

"But then you just randomly left so I didn't get a chance to talk to you" neteyam sighed, aonung could practically sense the boys smile just from his tone of voice.

"But hey! We have math class together at least" neteyam said like it was a good thing, he patted Aonung on the back.

"Can you just leave me alone" aonung groaned, he slapped neteyam's hand away. "I think I've told you already that we're not friends"

Neteyam looked a little taken aback and hurt by Aonung's comment but aonung really didn't care.

"But we were fine at the basketball court?" Neteyam mumbled softly, he looked like he didn't want to give up trying to be friends.

"Talking bout when you groped my chest!?" Aonung whisper shouted, he didn't need people hearing that but he wasn't about to let neteyam think they were friends.

"That was an accident!" Neteyam tried to say but aonung scoffed. "Everyone knows your a fag anyways!" Aonung snapped before he turned around and walked into the math class.

Neteyam didn't follow him anymore.

Dun dun DUNNNNN 😱
Drama fr 😂
Word count: 1040

the get along rule (neteyamxaonung)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ