Chapter 19 Storming the Dark Empire

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The Blue Typhoon was now flying over Canterlot City, heading towards the Dark Castle.

"My goodness. Look what they've done to our city." Rarity said looking down upon the city streets.

"And look at what they've done to some of the citizens." Ace said.

Many of the citizens that had been captured had been turned into robots.

"It seems they used Eggman's infamous Roboticizer." Sonic said.

Suddenly an alarm went off, and the entire ship began to shake violently.

"All Mobians, head to the main flight deck. We're under attack!" Tails yelled, "And girls, you all head to a gunning station. You shoot off on coming missiles and aero-troopers."

Everyone nodded and ran off to their fighting stations.

(Main Outer Flight Deck)

(Guy's Fight)

Several robots had jumped on board the Blue Typhoon and began to wreck the place.

"Guys, we can't destroy them. These are innocent people in their." Sonic said, "Just stun them."

Everyone nodded.

"I've got just the things for the job guys." Tails' voice said through the speakers, "I managed to create a new kind of Power Ring. These ones are Electrically charged. So they can short the robots and shut them down."

Several Blue Power Rings were shot out of a small turret.

Each of the guys caught one and put them on their wrist. They all felt electrical energy flow through their bodies.

"Let's do this." Sonic said running towards a robot.

He did a spin dash into it. When he hit it, instead of the robot blowing up, it was zapped with electrical energy and itself shut down.

"Sweet. I already love these new Power Rings." Sonic said running towards another robot.

"Chaos Spear!" Shadow yelled, throwing an electrical cyan spear at the robot Sonic was heading for.

"Hey! That one was mine." Sonic said as the robot fell.

"Hmph. You were too slow." Shadow smirked.

Dark and Ace were firing electrical dark and chaos beams, shutting down several robots.

"Heh. Just like in the old days huh bro?" Ace smirked.

"Maybe, but this is too easy." Dark said.

Three robots were running up behind the two brothers.

But two were suddenly picked up with cyan auras, and then were shorted with electrical waves of energy.

The ground under the third robot began to crack.

Knuckles smashed out of the ground and did an uppercut on the robot, but accidentally knocked it off the side of the ship.

"Knuckles! You idiot! We're not supposed to knock them off the ship. We're supposed to shut them down!" Silver yelled at Knuckles.

"Oh. Sorry. All I know is to smack down my enemies." Knuckles said.

(With the Girls)

The girls were on the lower level of the Blue Typhoon, inside the manual turrets.

"WOOOOO! THIS IS SOOOOOOOO AWESOME!" Rainbow shouted, her voice vibrated as she shot down missiles and aero-troopers with her machine gun turret.

Fluttershy was having a hard time shooting her laser turret, "Oh. I can't do something so violent."

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