Chapter 8 Friends and Enemies Return

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(Mobius: Angel Island - Master Emerald Shrine)

(Tails POV)

Tails fired his laser cannons at the egg pawns that were attacking Knuckles and Tails on the ground and some of them that re attack him in the air, 'Man, where's Sonic when you need him?' Tails thought.

"Hahahahaha! Give up! You all know you can't win since Sonic is not here." Eggman said laughing, "Now, make it easy and hand over the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald!"

"How many time do we have to tell you, we don't know where they are!" Knuckles shouted punching away an egg pawn.

"Enough of this fooling around! Hand them over or I'll blow you all to smithereens!" Eggman shouted.

"Doctor." Eggman turned and saw his creation Metal Sonic flying up to him, "The Echidna is telling the truth. My scanners do not detect the Chaos Emeralds anywhere on Mobius. Only the Master Emerald." Metal Sonic said.

"WHAT!? If that's true, Then where are my Emeralds!?" Eggman shouted.

Before Metal could answer, Tails fired his lasers and hit The cockpit of Eggman's ship, "GAH! How dare you, you little pest!" Eggmans shouted.

The cannons aimed at the X-Tornado, "On my mark. Aaaaand FI-AUGH!"

Amy had thrown several of her hammers at Eggman's ship, leaving several hammers on the ship's exterior, "You leave Tails alone! And if you know where Sonic is, you better spit it out!" Amy shouted summoning another hammer.

"I have no idea where your boyfriend is you stupid pincushion!" Eggman shouted.

Metal flew out of the main deck and towards Angel Island where Amy was. He charged at Amy, but received a hammer to the face. Metal was flung near the Master Emerald. He slowly got up and looked at it. He then felt the Master Emerald's energy giving off some signal to a different dimension, "Doctor, I believe I know where Sonic and the Chaos emeralds are." Metal called out through his mic.

"Where!?" He asked getting impatient.

"I am attempting to download and send you the coordinates now." Metal said, but then he was punched away from the Master Emerald.

"You stay away from the Master Emerald, tin head." Knuckles said guarding his birthright.

"Out of my way Echidna I don't want the Emerald right now. I want the coordinates it sent the Chaos Emeralds and three other entities to." Metal growled grabbing Knuckle's throat. He pulled Knuckles away and started scanning the Master Emerald, "Scanning the Master Emerald now." Metal said, "45%...61%...79%."

"Let Knuckles go you piece of scrap metal!" Amy shouted running towards them with her hammer in her hands.

"Fine. I'll let him go." Metal didn't turn, but threw Knuckles at her.

"99%...Scan complete, sending coordinates now, Master." Metal said sending the download to the Egg Carrier.

"Good. Now, activate the Egg Drive! Locking onto coordinates and fire dimensional portal on my mark... FIRE!" Eggman shouted.

The Egg Carrier fired a rainbow colored beam and a portal had opened a rip in the Space and Time continuum.

"hehehehe, AHAHAHAHAHA! So long Rodents!" Eggman shouted, "I'll give Sonic your regards personally."

"Sonic!?" Amy said, "Tails, lock onto those coordinates! NOW!" Amy shouted into her comlink.

"Roger." Tails said in the speaker, 'Like I know that already.' Tails thought.

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