Chapter 01

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Skylar stopped walking. She paused the music playing on her earphone and listened intently. She put her hands inside her hoodie pockets and started counting in her head.


She felt the footsteps stop behind her. She pulled the hood over her head.


There were two different footsteps. So, there were two men behind her.


Skylar closed her eyes and let a long breath out of her mouth. She did not want a repetition of what happened last week.


She did not have any other options. She had been trying to control herself for so long. But always, always everything happened against her thoughts.


Not too fast people!

Skylar turned and swished her hands. The two guns from the men's hands flew into her own. She looked at the weapon in her hands. Skylar turned towards the two men and smirked at them.

"Hello gentlemen! For what do I owe the pleasure?"

'Not now Skylar!' her annoying voice spoke into her ear. She always had trouble controlling her inner voice interrupting her in most important situations. She looked up. The men had tattooed arms and the sight made Skylar raise an eyebrow. She recognized the eight shaped tattoo on the side of the men's faces. So they were from the same group who had tried to kidnap her last week. Skylar shook her head sadly. When will they ever learn?

Even though both of the men were much older and much heavier than Skylar, they were not much as fast as her. Skylar had already moved ten paces behind the men when the shorter man signaled the taller one to get towards Skylar. The two men were shocked as they turned behind. One second Skylar was standing in front of them, and the other second she was right behind them. How in the world, was that even possible?

"Always the look of surprise," Skylar replied sarcastically as the two men gawked at her. She snapped her fingers and the floor tipped below the feet of the men and they fell sideways, one on top of the other. The shorter one, who was below the taller one started to gulp for some fresh air and with utmost difficulty he pushed the other man away from his body.

Skylar laughed loudly looking at the sight of them. She threw their guns, carefully aiming at both of their heads and laughed victoriously as her aim met her desired target. She walked past the men, making sure to carefully trod over their bodies and skipped her way towards her home, as though two grown men had not just tried to attack her.

It took a while for Skylar to reach her home. She opened the kissing gate and stepped inside, trying to eliminate the eerie silence that was ringing too loud in her ears. It was never a good sign.

Trying not to read too much into the signs, Skylar stopped at the closed door and rang the doorbell trying to wait patiently. She skipped where she was standing as she grew impatient by every passing second.

"Dad," Skylar knocked on the door loudly as she rang the bell again. She could not understand why her father was not opening the door for her. She knew that he was home as she could see the windows on her father's room were open on the top floor. She tried to remain calm, telling herself that nothing was wrong and her father was just having a nap, but as time moved on, she knew that she could not contain herself any longer.

So, unable to control herself any more, and praying to herself that there should not be anything wrong with her father, she closed her eyes and stared at the lock of the door for two seconds and placed her hand on the knocker. Even though she has her own set of personal tricks, sometimes she is afraid that any day soon she will be caught by her father. But today was a dire situation, as she knew that she could not help herself and told her racing heart that for one time, this exception was completely alright. While Skylar was debating with herself, she heard the key click opening from inside. She turned the door handle.

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