I hate Mondays.

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"Josephine! Wake up you need to get to work!" My father yelled

"UGHHHH" I yelled back. I get off my bed and grab a simple dress. I walk down stairs and grab some toast.

"BYE MOM! BYE DAD! LOVE YOU!" I yell as I walk out the door. I hop in my car and drive for 10 minutes down to the bakery I work at.

I go to the oven and begin baking. It was just a normal Monday, angry customers, okay customers and talking to my friends.

What was not normal was a city-wide emergency call. Suddenly all screens cut to a black screen with the words in red "Attention all citizens, this is a state wide emergency. Please listen to all instructions given to you." I looked at my friends, worried, as were all of them as the message was read aloud. Suddenly the president of France came on.

"Attention citizens and people of Paris. You must listen very closely. An unholy creature has come upon France and her people. I am sure all of you hear about the rabies epidemic in China"

Everyone knew about the extreme rabies epidemic in China. We didn't know a lot about it (thank the Chinese government about that) but from what we did know the first major case took place in Beijin, China. It spread quickly and viciously, but it was overall under control. But what did that have to do with the situation in Paris? HECK! Where is the emergency?

"Well, this rabies epidemic, has somehow spread to Paris." I was in shock, "Thankfully the brave members of the Police Nationale have been able to keep the infection traped in the Paris National Airport. But people of France! They cannot hold out forever. You have two options. Run, like the world believes we should do.. or you may stand, weapon in hand and resit this unholy virus, just like the men at Verdun, just like the members of the French Resistance! What option you make I cannot nor will stop you. But if your family

members have been infected, they are not your family anymore. They are enemies, they are beasts that will kill anyone, no matter if they knew you. Do not hesitate to kill them, for they will not hesitate to infect you. LONG LIVE FRANCE! LONG LIVE PARIS! THEY SHALL NOT PASS!"

I looked up at my friends.

"I HAVE TO GET HOME!" Emily, one of my friends shouted as she ran out the door I ran to my car and drove to my house. There was thick traffic and mass chaos as people didn't know what to do.

So instead I parked my car and ran home on foot, which got me home quicker.

I ran up the stairs of the house and opened up the door.

"Mom? Dad? Did you hear about the emergency?" I ask into the house. But no one responded. I closed the door and walked further down the hall

"Mom?! Dad?!" I asked a bit louder.


I was met with a horrifying sound comeing from the living room. I grabbed the closest object, one of dad's golfing clubs and slowly walked into the house. Suddenly a creature lunged at me. I swung the golf club and


I looked down, horrified. On the ground was a man with blood around his mouth. And a huge cut through his skull... and was that...? oh god... that...that his brain... b-but, he wasn't bleeding, well he was but it wasn't red. It was a green whiteish color. I look down at the golf club. m-m-my god... that's a part of a brain... oh my god...

Where was Mom and Dad? I walked into the room and what I saw horrified me, I don't think I will ever forget it.

Dad stood up of Mom. His eyes were pale and he had blood dripping off his mouth.  Mom stood up, she too had pale eyes

Dad lunged at me and I swung... o-o-oh m-my g-god... I didn't just do that.

I looked up, crying and trying not to puke. Mom lunged at me and I swung at her stomach. She fell over but slowly started to get back up. I swung downward, this time on her head.

I... I... I j-j-just.... k-k-k-k-killed them... I j-just k-k-killed my p-p-parents.

A loud silence fills the room. Amidst all the chaos losing these two who raised me. It felt like the world paused on me.

And then the feeling came back.

I can't do this. I puked down on the floor.

I ran out of my house and once again puked this time on the lawn.


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