Rhine river.

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The fall of France shocked the world. Belgium fell not too long after. The Netherlands began to lose ground heavily and is abounded by everyone but the UK, who has been providing heavy support and been taking in refugees.

The Uk manged to hold still with most of Scotland being infected. England sealed their borders with Scotland. And has set up heavy defece on thier border.

Switzerland being protected by the Alps, the Central Plateau, and the Jura. Moutains have closed all borders, not even taking in refugees as their natural protection makes it impossible for infected to cross.

Italian troops moved into a small part of Southern France, trying to save any survivors before they close their borders. Italy being surrounded by water and moutains makes it a hard area to be crossed by any infected.

Germany was pushed to the Rhine River, where they plan to hold the line. Thanks to the river and the winter setting in the infected are having trouble moving. Many even dying or freezing in place.

None the less hordes still move. Germany has prepared a giant defense.

1,000 national guard.

50 thosand military ground forces

80 thosand police officers and swat.

The german army approved bombing runs on infected areas.

I watch as the bombs explode and the dirt and snow fly in the sky.

A horde of infected cut down to nothing.

I wonder how France was lost. A country so powerful. Gone just like that. None the less. So far, the infected haven't been spreading as much as they did in the months prior.

The winter seems to slow them.

We have 5 Leopard 1 tanks. And a lot of humvees.

No zombies in sight. Everyone's silent. Not a sound expect for the occasional cough and sneeze.

The people are quiet. No one wants to speak after what happened in France. Everyone is aware.

A voice comes over the radio.

"Horde of infected coming to your position."

"Estimated time?" Someone responds.

"5 to 7 minutes." The Signaller responds.

"How many." Our major general responds.

"1 to 2 thousand"

"Keep us updated. Over and out, " our major general says.

The sound of guns cocking fill the area.
We have 5 tanks with us. They move foward and we go behind them as we push closer to the river.

"Private Paul. Private Leonard. Come here." My sargent says.

I walk towards hom with Leonard. I salute the sargent and say. "Yes sir?"

He hands me dynamite and some to Leonard and then says. "Plant these around the river. Once enough infected get on the river you blow it up. The blast should kill them. And if not. They'll just sink in there."

"Yes sir." Me and Leonard say in unison.

We walk to the frozen River. Setting bomb after bomb.

After we finish I nod my head and step back onto land. I grab my rifle and hold the detonator in my other hand.

You can hear them from a mile away. The crys. The screeches.

Their in Pain. I don't feel bad when I kill one to me it's a mercy kill. It's what I whould want if I we're to turn.

Then you can see them coming from the fog.

Everyone lifts up their rifle. But the major general says. "Hold. Fire."

Everyone listens. They wait. And wait.

The infected seem to be slower in the winter.

Then they begin to cross the frozen River.

Once enough get there we get the orders.

"Blow up the river." Our Sargeant says.

The river erupts in flames and ash. The blood of the infected hit us and thier body parts fly all over the area.

Then when the dust settles. You can see the body's of the once infected now floating.

The rest try to cross the river. Most stop moveing half way for whatever reason.

Others make it across but are struck down.

The rest of the horde begins to cross the river. About 400 begin to cross.

"Fire at will" our major general says.

There's no panic. Everything is going as planned.

I raise my gun. The infected are easy targets in the water.

It's like shooting ducks.

I step foward and spray the water with bullets. Others do the same.

The water fills up with dead corpes.

Eventually they begin to overwhelm us.

But those groups are blown to pieces as the tanks fire thier cannons.

It doesn't take much. To end them.

They say the reason France was lost was due to poor leadership.

Maybe also because city combat is harder.

We're waiting on nato troops. But so far we've protected Germany.

A plane flys over and bombs drop in the distance blowing whatever was there.

I watch slowly. My eyes watching the dust fly. The dirt spread all over the area.

We also made a new discovery on these infected.

The head. Has green blood. The rest is red.

The assumption is the green preserves the brain from rotting. Keeping the body going and stopping it from dying.

But as all things they'll eventually rot.



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