Operation unity.

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USMC, Royal Marines joint operation.

Operation unity.

Objective liberate Scotland.

The United States has been able to stop the spread of the infection for the most part. The infected mostly reside on the west coast of the country and are limited there.

The United States Marine Corps recently sent 20 thousand Marines to England.

5 thousand royal marines are to fight alongside the USMC.

The USS Blue Ridge and two Type 45 destroyers are deployed to help with artillery fire.

Operation Unity begins today.

5 weeks of training have prepared the USMC to do the landings.

The Royal Marines will land from boat while the USMC will parachute down.

I sit on a plane watching my comrades as they sit next and across from me. We're about to drop. Everyone quiet. And I decide to break the silence.

"What's the news"

"The success of this war is centered on this region. If we get the Brits Scotland back they can provide more aid. Prepare your weapons and hone your courage" My sergeant responds.

A loud buzzer sound is heard.

"NOW WE MOVE" He yells

I get up and start doing equipment check, the deck buffeting, rolling, and rocking under my feet I strained to see what was going on in front of me, but all I saw was the pack of the guy in front of me, and we were jammed butt to belly waiting for the bell, and the go-go-go-go-go…. I go to the door and I was out the door and the guy behind me was out the door. No time to think, and nothing to wonder about. The bell rang continuously, and I doubt that I even saw the green light by the time I got to the door.

Falling through the sky I look to my sides and see hundreds of men dropping with me.

I pull the cord and the parachute holds me in the air. I drop on a rooftop and land with 3 other men. From my squad.

I look down the rooftop and freeze at the sight of hundreds of zombies swarming the streets.

"RAMIREZ. WE GOT TO MOVE." My corporal says as he pulls my shoulder.

"Ay, sir!" I yell as I stand by the door.

"Montes your breaching!" Corporal McCarthy says.

Montes gets by the door.

A loud crack then a bang. As the door swings open "Breach! Breach! Breach!"

I walk down the stairs.

2 infected run up and are quickly shot down we keep moving down then we go by another door.  I put my ear to it and listen.

"What do you hear Ramirez" my corporal asks

"Infected. More than one" I respond.

"Davis. Break down the door. Ramirez, throw a flashbang let's see if it works."

I grab my flashbang and hold my finger on the pin.

"Breaching!!" Davis yells as he kicks open the door.

I throw the flashbang and we all get behind the wall.

A loud bang is heard. I run in raising my rifle. I feel Montes hold my shoulder as we push in.

The infected seem disoriented having trouble detecting us.

I blow the head off one. The others drop down dead as everyone picks and kills their targets.

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