The school is dead pt2.

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I ran out of the class room to the crowded halls. both teachers and students were running away from those, things.

I run down the hall and turn the corner to try and run down the stairs. A guy runs past me and runs into the staircase.

A creature flings out of nowhere and tackles him, both of them falling down to the first floor. I stopped and ran to the secondary stairs.

I ran to the secondary staircase to see dozens upon dozens of students and teachers attempting to get down the stairs pushing and shoving each other to accomplish this.

I run into the fray, pushing an shoving to get through.

It was a blur, even to this day I don't fully remember what happened. what I do remember though is that even then I didn't fully understand where I was going. As long as it wasn't where the creatures were.

I run down the stair and run into the gym, it has a bunch of stuff I could use to my advantage.

There was the PE teacher, a teacher who was probably not fit for this job, who was handing out hockey sticks, bats and other items. I ran up to grab one, I was able to grab a plastic baseball bat and I ran out of the gym.

I ran out to the front of the school and began running to my house.

I ran through the sidewalk to pure chaos.

There creatures ran rampant, police attempted (keyword attempted) to stop the creatures by firing there weapons, cars crashed into each other and buildings, people ran everywhere and attempted to get away form the creatures, many failing.

I see a man fall out of a building and rush to the ground.

I run past many people, some dead and others close to it.

It's one of my biggest regrets.

Not helping them, every night I lay awake questioning if I could have done anything to help them.

But at the end of the day I couldn't. So I kept running.

and running,

and running.


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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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