Cuddle Bug

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Vegeta, eyes still heavily closed, pulled the blanket covering over him once more. He inhaled deeply, before exhaling slowly. He repositioned his head on the meaty chest that swayed with slow, melodic breaths.

A heavy hand slid out of the thin covers, lifting and reaching up to bare it's weight on Vegeta's head of spikes. It retreated, following the direction the black spikes nutted from it's owners head, before rising and repeating the action in a slow, petting motion.

"I love ya, Geta."

It was hummed in a sleepy mumble. The quality of the speech was not what made Vegeta slightly warmer, but the effort put into even muttering out the phrase. It was the fingers that brushed the baby hairs on the back on his neck that sent a joyous shiver down his spine. It was the warm breaths against his forehead that made his face want to twist into a smile. It was the skin against his skin that made his skin flush with chilled bumps.


It was the most simple response one could muster, second only to silence. It was something that was more looked down upon than their relationship.

Yet the gentle hand on his hair, instead of ceasing its action, lowered passed the tiny hairs on his neck, passed the grooves of his shoulder blades, and only seemed content to rest upon his lower back. The hand slid upward, resting on the side of his midriff.

The chest that heaved deep with breaths, instead of hitching, seemed so much quieter in the Buh-dum of his flustered heartbeat. The giddy heart pumped warmth to the skin, where it pressed lovingly to his cheek.

It seemed the younger was catching on, seeing the complicated deity of emotion Vegeta had minimized in the use of his simple response.

I love you too.

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