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Warning: This is a VERY old one, from back when I was in middle school. I never got to write it entirely down, but I remembered the idea and went from there, hope it's legible. Also it's REALLY long and it's a personality swap. Aaaaand Vegeta's either a prostitute or a really personal tutor I couldn't tell ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Vegeta strolled meekly into the wealthy neighborhood. He'd been here before, a couple times actually, but he still couldn't wrap his head around how big the houses were, how green the grass on the lawns were, how shiny the cars were. He felt like an outsider with his cheap backpack and thrifted clothing. Granted, it still looked good, but thrifted nonetheless.

He felt a twinge of self consciousness seeing a small group of girls stare at him judgmentaly, before turning and laughing amongst themselves. He wanted to die, to shrivel up into a dead leaf, to shrink into a corner and go unnoticed. But he couldn't, and he knew he couldn't, so he kept walking.

He breathed the anxiety out as he turned into the beginning of a drive way, cut off by a large, dark colored gate. When he came close he saw his reflection, making it clear that it was well-kept. He pressed the buzzer with his index finger. Although he's done this before it still made him nervous coming here.

"Son residence, please state your name and business."

He licked his dry lips, reminding him of his mint scented breath from brushing his teeth earlier. He hesitated for half a second, "Vegeta Prince, I'm here as a tutor."

The woman on the other side paused for a moment, as if distracted by something so truly jaw dropping that she just had to leave him hanging. Or the fact that she could tell he was lying. He tapped his right foot and crossed his arms, leaning most of his weight on his left leg, in an attempt to cope with the tightness building in his chest. In order to get paid well he'd need to do his job well, and to do his job well he needed to be relaxed.

Another moment of total silence before the woman came back. He hadn't realized how long she had been gone but it was definitely too damn long.

"Entry has been permitted, please use your ID into the scanner below to verify identity. Then, enter the door on your right."

He pulled a student key card from his backpack, pressing it against a scanner just underneath the buzzer. After a few seconds there was a melodic chime, before a smaller, secondary gate off to the side opened. He walked through, taking the path up to the front door with steps that felt too quick, too sudden.

He got to the front door and knocked in his usual pattern. He never really knew why he'd done it like that, but he'd always been.. different.. in some matters.
The door opened and he was welcomed inside by a small, elderly woman in maid attire. He nodded in greeting, but felt offended and embarrassed as she didn't return his politeness.

He followed her into the house as she instructed him, making his way deeper into the house until he came across the room. The woman left, as well as everyone else in the area, not helping in the slightest to calm his nerves.

He knocked with his usual pattern, then holding his wrist and allowing his arms to go slack. He waited patiently until the door finally swung open violently.

"What is it?!" The taller male froze for a moment, the rage in his face, body, and voice dropping almost immediately.

"Oh, welcome back Prince."

He flushed internally at the name. Although it was his name, it was also a pet name given to him at one of their sessions where they tried praise. He was glad they both agreed it was something to try again at a later time, due to him realizing it was a major turn on. However, that didn't stop Kakarrot from subtly using the practices from time to time.

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