Maybe In Another Life

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Goku fell backward, landing flat on his bottom. He breathed out as he leaned further, falling noisily onto his back. He kicked and threw his heavy limbs out onto the grass.

"Phe-ew" He cried as a dusk breeze wafted over his flush face, cooling the sweat that laid on it like a blanket.

"That was awesome. Ya were great up there, y'know?" He directed his voice at the other, too pleased with their day-long workout to notice his audience had better entertainment.

There was a calm silence, one that was met with open arms. The cool, moist air felt both heavy as weights and as delicate as flower petals.

"I feel like I cou'd fight'a million lions."

Vegeta cocked a brow, not breakin his concentration on his post-workout stretches. He'd been instructed by the angelic teacher to do some form of cool down after any sort of training. With the absence of his ego and pride, he would admit that the effects of the treatment were phenomenal.

His legs spread into a graceful split, perfectly opposite angles to one another. Gloved hand over gloved hand, he gripped his left ankle, exhaling heavily as the underside of his leg continued to burn as it was pulled.

"I think you could fight more than that."


The older hummed in agreement. Dragging his gloved hands from his left ankle to his right. An involuntary groan slipped from him as the initial intensity returned.

"How many wou'd that be? Two million? I dunno about two million, tha's'a lot'a lions. Lions are pretty scary. But I fought a lion once an' won. But it was jus' one lion. But I'm pretty strong. Actu'lly, I don' feel too strong right now. I just feel light, light and tingly. Like some'ne put pixie dus' inside my legs and arms and head. My head's kinda tingly, Geta."


"Hey Geta? Did'ja notice that ya act'a lot like Chichi? I mean, ya kinda look like 'er too."

"You think so?" Bringing his hands together in front of his pelvis, he slowly pushed them outward. Pulling his upper body towards the ground until his chest touched the floor.



The younger slid his cheek against the grass, turning his gaze from the sky the man on his right. "Is that weird?"

"To think of me that way?"

"Yeah. Like, y'er mah best friend slash enemy slash.. Uh.. I dunno. But like.. Ya remind me of mah wife." He brought his arms in, tucking them underneath his head. His hair bristled gently between his calloused fingers.

The smaller man slid his legs backward from their linear stretch. When they were opposed to his face he pressed his gloved hands to the grass, pushing up until his back arched. His gloved dug into the soft Earth, staining the torn material.

"Well, when you say I remind you of your woman, what do you mean?"

"Well, y'er kinda small. Not so small like Krillin, but like-" He pulled his right arm from beneath his head, making a shaking motion with his hand.

"-Like this much. And ya got black hair like hers. And ya scream a lot. And you put y'er hands on y'er hips. And ya got dark eyes that I jus' wanna look at f'erever. And y'er super strong too." He returned his hand under his head, returning his gaze to the other who'd changed into a sitting position.

Vegeta was momentarily silent, not facing the younger as he watched the sunset rays reach across the sky and glimmer in the small waves of the sea. The breeze was moist with salty water, making it feel like mist. The feeling was like soft needles on his skin, akin to harmless shocks.

"I didn't think you noticed that much about me."

"I do. I think abou'cha a'lot."

The older went silent again, still, and unmoving.

Goku sat up, cupping the grass as he skid his knees across it, very slowly crawling next to his rival.

"Hey Geta?"


The younger sat next to him, watching as the sun began to tuck itself beneath the horizon. The warmth of it's rays beginning to fade, swept away by the seaside breeze.

"Do ya think about me like Bulma?"


His smile hadn't faded, yet his eyes seemed that much dimmer.

"Do ya think of me as Frieza?"


Now he turned his gaze to Vegeta, who still looked at the hidden sun, his eyes shimmering with the last bit of it's light.

"What'da ya think of me?"

He was silent again, then he looked into the younger's eyes. Silently, he reached a hand out, sliding his stained glove across his dirty face as he brushed loose hair away.

"Something different. I don't necessarily hate you, but.."


"I shouldn't feel the way I do about you."

Goku raised a questioning brow, "why not?"

A matching gloved hand found it's way to the side of the younger's jaw, pulling him forward.

Closer, he moved until they could see into one another's souls.

Closer, he moved until they were forced to tilt their heads.

Closer, he moved until they could feel warm breath.

"Because it's not right," was whispered against Goku's lips, just prior to pressed that little bit closer.

Their lips touched in a gentle embrace, caressing over one another as if reuniting.

As quickly as it started, it ended.

The prince dragged his soft mouth away, resting an inch away as if debating repeating the saccharine act.

He pulled further away, looking into the other's eyes silently. He retracted his hands, bending his arms as he crossed one with the other, craning his neck to rest the side of his head on his crossed arms.

"It's not right."

Goku stared at him silently.

"How do I make it right?" He touched his lips, "how do I keep doin' 'at whi'cha?"

Vegeta smiled, "Maybe in another life."

The younger frowned, watching as the shadows of the dark, and the dull light of the moon fought over the coverage of his face. He crossed his own arms, setting them on his chest as he looked at the dark water.

"Maybe in another life."

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