Subject 15: Aftermath of the Royal Fight

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If I wanted to give my opinion on this matter...

The move of removing Arisu out of the picture has created some unwanted effects to the entire school. Especially A Class. The absent state that she's once represent in the entire A Class, coupled by the fact that she was also probably the one that controlled and secured everything from going pandemonium seems...

A little dire.

Still, I think if I were to let her go and negotiate with her own terms, she would create more and more harder obstacle, essentially tormenting every student in the school inside her puppet strings only for her to have some 'fun' with me.

Not that I care. I simply thought of her plans as annoying, sometimes borderline dangerous to every party involved. Not to mention the legacy she left off for the Paper Shuffle.

Which was...certainly a mess to clean up.

'What a headache.'

Well, the thing of B Class targeting our class for the exam would probably shut Ryuuen's connection with Kushida. I suppose that's one way to see it.

A day after Horikita has submitted the target of D Class to Chabashira-sensei. The tensions were slightly high as they're in a phase to prepare a question to C Class.

Or so they thought.

It was the moment as Chabashira-sensei entered our class. The sounds of her footsteps were heard from miles away. Her entrance only to serve her indication of her beginning of her teaching in our class for this day.

Weighing by the tense feeling, most of D Class sat still.

As she started her lesson, she then begins her sentence with her usual greeting before giving us a little notice about the Paper Shuffle.

"D Class, you'll be nominated to attack and defend against B Class."

Except for me, the decision-making team in particular are confused by this announcement. Soured yet not revealing it by the school's decision, Horikita and asked about the outcome.

"Chashibara-sensei, could I asked to what happen to our nomination to attack C Class?"

"Your nomination has been voided from A Class choosing to target the same class."

Whispers than sprouts from the students. With the thought they're attacking C Class, they felt a little betrayed and more bewildered by the school system, proven by Yukimura expanding on Horikita's question.

"Sensei, I thought the rules said that for the classes that nominate the same class, they'll ask the class representatives to draw lots,"

"But, we as class rep hasn't been notified for this process. May I asked what happen?" Horikita continued.

My eyes reflexively twitched from their question. I knew what happen, I was the one who decided the D Class stance to nominate C Class after all.

"You might not believe it, but one of you has already made that choice for all of you."

Those words sent shocks through the entire class. Whispers turned into grumbles. Feeling betrayed by the earlier news that Horikita stated D Class will be nominated to attack B Class.

"Chabashira-sensei, can you further explain what do you mean?" Horikita asked once again. Unable to comprehend the meaning behind Chashibara-sensei's words. Which is fair for her.

"It is as I said, Horikita-san. One of you has already made the choice to compete with A Class for the chance to nominate C Class to attack, yet that choice has been lost. That's all I could say."

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