Chapter 9: Healthiness in everything

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Have you ever wondered what things you can do to be healthier? Such as what food you eat, what workouts you do, what you drink, and here's one you never thought you'd hear... how productive you are and how to improve on it. You've came to the right chapter because I will be explaining those topics!

" What foods can I eat to be healthy? "
Well whenever we think of healthy food salad may be the first thing that comes to mind and no salad isn't the only healthy food we have. We have vegetables, fruits, granola, whole wheat items, eggs, fish, nuts, brown rice, protein items and surprisingly Mexican food.

" How is Mexican food healthy? "
Well by that I truly mean homemade Mexican food but also.. Taco Bell! Why Taco Bell you may ask? Well this is because Taco Bell is actually healthy according to the internet. Not everything may be healthy on their menu but you can search it up or look at the nutritional facts on the Taco Bell website.

" What can I drink to be healthier? "
Oh come on I think we all know this one.. water!
Water is very healthy for you in order to stay hydrated and if you heard people say to drink 6-8 glasses of water a day then no they aren't lying it is very true. Water cannot only help you stay hydrated but it can also help reduce your acne. Although if you want to be a little unique and want to drink something other than water you can drink the following: detox water ( helps you lose weight effectively) kale smoothie: good amount of vitamin C way more than a orange! Protein shakes: helps you build your muscles Emergen-C: helps with your immune system.

" what workouts are most effective for me to be healthier? "
Pilates most preferably wall Pilates is very effective for you. Try doing wall Pilates for a month or so and you'll notice some results. You can also try Japanese exercises they have rapid results within 2-3 weeks. If you're a beginner try doing 25 reps and when you can do it easily try 35 and so on it is very helpful I promise you.

" Why do I need more information about productivity when you already mentioned it? "
Well bish the answer is... YOU NEED MORE INFO! How productive are you now? Do you stay on track of things or do you lose track of them? Try improving how productive you are being if you are already productive then that's good keep working but also make small changes because the changes can lead to big results! As in for the others... make big changes even the ones your scared to make because maybe the one your afraid to make can be your ticket to your success or fame. Work hard, take action, let your success outshine the people who have doubted you and said " your dream is way too big " in my opinion if a dreams not big it isn't a dream.

Any requests you want to make to the topics mentioned in this chapter? Do comment!

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