Chapter 8

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It's 12:30 and Elena is seen walking confidently into Poison Ivys room.

"Ah miss Robbinson I've been meaning to find you." Poison Ivy is also looking confident this can't be good thought Elena.

"I was sent over an email not so long ago and it appears to be CCTV footage, can you explain to me as to why it was sent with the subject line 'Elena was telling the truth.' Only I had great difficulty with understanding it."

Elena through sucking teeth says "Because I WAS..." Poison Ivy stops her "Are you raising your voice at me? I was trying to give time to explain yourself not for you to be getting aggressive with me." "No Miss Fletcher I was simply trying to empathise my feelings on the subject."

"Alright then you may continue." "Anyways as I was saying, Over third lesson me and Mr Bailey went over to check the CCTV camera footage seen as you seemed to believe nothing was happening."

Poison Ivy stops her again. "I'm sorry but you went with Mr Bailey to get evidence that you were in fact being bullied? Also you just so happened to miss 15 minutes of your lesson and not out of your break time? We'd had a fire drill, you'd already missed lesson 2 and so you thought this initself gave you time to excuse yourself for 15 minutes just to bring this "evidence" to my attention?

Elena wanted to curl up in a ball and cry at this point but instead she said "Funnily enough, Miss Fletcher I'd much rather do my school work than have anything to do with you at all. You wouldn't listen to me so I thought..." Poison Ivy interrupts her again.

"You thought you'd make me look like a fool? By bringing me evidence I could've gotten myself..." This time it's Elenas time to interrupt her.

"Oh for crying out loud Miss Fletcher you were never going to sort anything out. I just wanted my bag to stop stinking of piss and get on with my life, do you seriously think I want to spend my time arguing with you?"

Miss Fletcher goes red with anger "I think it's best you leave and might I just remind you my name is Mrs Fletcher NOT Miss Fletcher. You have got to learn how to treat people with respect young lady."

"I'll tell you this then, once you start treating me as an equal then and only then will I treat you with respect and I will call you Mrs Fletcher, respect goes both ways after all and your clearly very passionate about being disrespectful to me.

Good day Miss Fletcher!" She makes sure to smile at Poison Ivy and slam the door behind her as loudly as possible as she knew this would definitely piss her off.

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