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                             Elliot's POV

I didn't set an alarm last night because I usually wake up the same time every day. But it looks like I over slept. As I finished stretching and yawning, I took a look at the clock and it was after eleven am. I got up, brushed my teeth, took a shower. I made some breakfast, ate it and finished getting ready. I packed some clothes and essential for Liv, just incase she needed it. I made sure I packed three pairs of her favorite sweaters and hoodies, because they make her feel safe and at home.I left the apartment and was now on my way to the hospital. It took me a while to get there because there was a lot of traffic. I mean I shouldn't have expected any less. It's NYC, the city that never sleeps so I should have known better. As I continued to drive, an asshole just swerved out in front of me, no indicator no nothing and I didn't have enough time to break so I ended up hitting his car. I got out of my car and said " You have got to be kidding me." A guy came out of the car and said " kidding you? You hit my car. You better have that insurance money." I laughed and said " today is not the the day for your bullshit." After five minutes had pass officers arrived on the scene and took our statements. One of the officers spoke up and said " Detective Stabler....." and before he could finish speaking up , the guy said " wait, hold up, you ain't say nothing about you being a detective." I guess in that moment he realized he fucked up. I didn't have the time or energy to pull out my badge. He then continued " we're cool here officers, it was just a little misunderstanding that's all." The officers looked in my direction waiting for a response and I said " we're good." The officers told him he could go then told me I was good to go. There was hardly even a dent in my car so I was good either way. I continued to drive in traffic. This is one thing I hate about NYC, there will be traffic always, no matter if it's early morning or late at night, traffic is always there. As I just sat in traffic waiting, someone rear ended me. That's the second time today. I got out of my car once again, in the middle of the highway this time. At this point I didn't care, whoever hit me was going to fix my car. The police came took our statements and got our insurances. I just wanted to get to the hospital and for some reason,  I kept on getting into accidents. Before I was keeping calm, now, I was actually getting frustrated. I got into my car, and  started to head to the hospital once more. For my sanity I hope there would be no more accidents on the way there...


Elliot is just having a bad day. One thing after the next. Anyways here is a little update as my family and I are doing last minute packing for our flight tomorrow🙃.


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