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                               Elliot's POV

It was now Monday morning and Liv and I were at work. It was a pretty quiet day and I was thankful for that. I kept on checking in on Liv to make sure she was doing okay. We planned to tell Captain Cragen that we were expecting on Friday, so that Liv can take the necessary precautions that needed to be taken. We decided we would do it on Friday, so we can just have a couple more days adjusting to that fact that we will be having a daughter running around here soon enough. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Captain Cragen rushed in with a serious look on his face. Captain Cragen said " Listen Up !!Everyone we have a five year old girl missing. She has hazel eyes and brown hair, her name is Bo Madden and she has been suspected to have been taken by her mother's ex boyfriend Luke Xenkr who is a known pedophile and has served time for it. Elliot and Olivia, she was last seen at her school, go there and make sure you take statements and get the security footage. Finn and Munch, go to Luke's home address and his workplace to see if you can get more information on him, so we can see what kind of person he is or if there is something else we should know. Rollins go through his text messages and phone calls to see if there is anything suspicious popping up so we can see if we can get any clues as to where he would he take Bo. We need to hurry because if we don't get to her in time, she may not be alive anymore." Olivia and I quickly got up and headed over to Bo's school. We started taking statements and her teacher was crying. We asked her questions and we collected all of the information we could get before we went over to security and got the video footage. After that we headed back to the precinct and started going over the footage. I could see that Olivia was getting irritated. We went back to watching the footage when Olivia said " wait El, pause, isn't that Bo?" I took a second look and that was definitely Bo but not in the same outfit she was wearing at school. She was being held by that arm by a man that seemed to be on edge. He took her to a car. We continued to watch the video and waited until the car drove off and bingo we got his plates. We told Captain the information we got. Everybody was working together so we could find a location as to where Luke would take her. I hate cases that involve kids. They are just children that haven't even got to experience the world fully but there's always that evil person out there looking to cause harm. Captain alerted us to an area that Bo could possibly be, and our best shot of finding her.


Will they find Bo in time ?
Thoughts and opinions on this chapter ?


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