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    Olivia's POV

Doctor Montgomery started to massage my stomach and soon all I was hearing was thump, thump thump. Doctor Montgomery then said " that's your little one's heart beat. Would you both like to know the gender ?" I looked over at Elliot and said " do you mind if we find out the gender babe ? I really want to know." Elliot responded by saying " I don't mind and I'm actually excited to know if we'll be having a little girl or little boy." Doctor Montgomery said " your baby is developing wonderfully and you'll be having a girl. Do any of you have any questions for me ?" I replied out loud happily "we're having a little girl, oh my god." Elliot then said " I hope she has your brown hair and smile." I smiled hearing that. I then said to Doctor Montgomery " I know you said I was five months along but if that's the case, shouldn't I be showing already ?and I didn't even know I was pregnant." Doctor Montgomery replied "everyone shows differently, some women barely show and only get a tiny bump. But you're good to go home just take it easy and not stress or over work yourself." I responded "thank you so much for everything Doctor Montgomery." Elliot got a wheelchair while I signed my discharge papers. I can't actually believe it. I'm going to be a mom. And I'll be having a little girl. I promise that she will always feel loved and never unwanted. She won't have to go through what I went through growing up because she will be loved always. Elliot got back with the wheel chair and I got in it. He wheeled me out until we eventually reached his car. He helped me in and we started our journey home. Halfway in the car ride home, I fell asleep. All I felt was Elliot gently shaking me and saying " wake up sleepy head, we're home." We got in the apartment and I told Elliot that " I was going to take a shower" he replied by saying that he'll " join me." I got in the shower first letting the warm water run over my skin and hair then Elliot came in the shower, behind me. He hugged me from behind and started to kiss my neck and I let out a moan. This felt so good and relaxing. I turned around and started kissing him. Eventually we stopped kissing and he just held me. I always loved how secure and safe I always feel in his arms. He started to soap up my body and I did the same for him. We finished showering and got out, dried off and put on some clothes. I specifically went for Elliot's over-sized t-shirt because it's so comfy. Elliot said " I'm going to get started on dinner, I'm thinking barbecue ribs, mashed potatoes and broccoli." I responded by saying " that sounds really good and your daughter is getting really hungry." Elliot laughed and said " well tell our little one that daddy will feed her soon." I smiled. I continued " so El, what are we thinking for baby names because she'll practically be here before we know it. Elliot said how about "Emily or Rebecca." I replied " eh, I'm not feeling those two. Elliot replied " how about we just say random baby names out loud and the first one we say that's the same, will be our little girl's name?" I replied " okay let's do it, that sounds great." We called out a bunch of baby names until we both said " Madeline." I looked up at him and smiled. Elliot said " tell our little Madeline, dinner is ready." We ate dinner and went to bed since we had work in the morning.


I've literally never written smut in my life. So here's my little, very little attempt at it.
See you for the next chapter.


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