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Elliot's POV
When I got back from signing Madeline's birth/death certificate. They told me Olivia was in surgery. I sat in the waiting room. I was so angry. I wanted to punch in a wall but I needed to stay calm. The only thing I could do is put my head in my hands and cry. We just found out we were having a baby girl and it got ripped away from us just like that. I had to hold her tiny body in my arms. She didn't get a chance to even live. I felt a hand on my shoulder  and I looked up and it was the squad. Captain Cragen, Munch, Finn, Alex and Casey. They sat down next to me in silence. Finn spoke up and said " Don't worry man, she'll get through this. She's one of the strongest people I know." Munch then said " she'll be alright, I just know it." I managed to stop myself from continuing crying and said " but what about the baby? Alex then said with a confused look on her face " baby?" Captain Cragen then said " Olivia is pregnant!? Why didn't you or her say anything. I could have had her on desk duty a long time ago. If I had known, I would not have put her on Bo's case." I shook  my head because he was right, Liv should have been on desk duty but we just found out and wanted a few more days with keeping the news and excitement to ourselves. I responded to the captain by saying " we just found out she was pregnant a day or so ago. We wanted to have little bit more time to process everything. We had planned to tell you this Friday. That's what we agreed on." Captain Cragen nodded his head in understandment. He then said " You both just found out you were expecting, there was no way you could have known a missing child's case would lead to this. All we can do is hope for the best." We sat and just waited in the hospital. No one felt like talking. They were probably even more worried since they found out that she's pregnant. About an hour had passed. My phone started ringing and it was Kathy, so I answered. I was hoping everything was okay with her and the kids because I couldn't handle another heavy blow right now. Kathy then said " hey, are you okay?, I saw something over the news about a missing kid being found and an officer being injured but no other details. So I was just checking in." I replied " Yea, that was our squad who responded to the missing child and found her. I'm alright but Olivia is not. She's the person who got injured. She's in surgery, so now we're just waiting and hoping for the best." Kathy responded " oh my god, I'll let the kids know and give me the name of the hospital. I'm coming to you." I gave her the name of the the hospital and she hanged up. I'll eventually have to tell her and our kids about the baby but right now, I can't bring myself to talk about it.


Poor Elliot is really going through it. I hope he hangs in there. I don't think he's processing the fact that little Madeline isn't here anymore. We also need Liv to hang in there as well.


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