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I saw IAB walking in and out loud I said " oh shit, here we go again. Why can't they ever send someone other than that asshole Tucker?" Alex replied " well he specifically has it out for Elliot and Olivia, we all know that by now. Just hope you don't get on his wrong side as well Finn." I replied " you're funny, I ain't kissing no ass, screw him." I then continued " And now ain't the time for his bullshit when Liv's life is hanging in the balance." She nodded her head in agreement. I watched as Tucker was talking to a random nurse trying to locate where we were. We watched him look and look, but still didn't spot us. About thirty minutes had passed and he finally found us and that's why they say common sense isn't common. He walked up to us and said you know the drill. Elliot and I didn't even respond to him. We just gave him our weapons. He then said " follow me" and we did. He ended up taking us to an empty room  where I believed he was going to interview us.

                               Elliot's POV
He started asking me the questions first while Finn waited outside. Tucker said " I know this must be a difficult time since one of our own was injured. I am going to need you trace back your steps and tell me what happened when you arrived at the location Bo was supposed to be in." I replied " Finn, Munch, Olivia and I got to the location where Bo could possibly be. There was a lot of ground to cover but not enough of us. Munch had called for backup but we got no response and time was ticking. We did not want to split up but that was the best chance at finding Bo so we did. Finn, Munch and I, all came back but Olivia wasn't there. Finn then said "something was wrong and Liv would be back by now." Munch and I drew our guns and that is when we saw Bo running towards us looking scared. She pointed us in the direction where Olivia came from. We went in that direction and that's where we saw the suspect kicking Benson in her stomach over and over again. We warned him, he was about to shoot at us, so Finn and I fired our weapons, shooting and killing him." Tucker then replied " so did you shoot him to protect a fellow officer or because you and your partner were knocking boots? I mean we all get it, look at Olivia, but did it affect your judgment of the situation?" I started to get angry, but kept my cool and replied " you came to take my statement, I gave one, are we done here?" Tucker told me "yes we are done, wait outside."

                            Finn's POV

I saw Elliot coming out and he just looked defeated and pissed off. I went in and Tucker immediately asked " do you think Elliot shot so fast because his partner is his lover? I tried to keep myself grounded because he was already pissing me off. I replied " no, an officer was in distress, being physically harmed and  screaming out in pain." I then continued, " let me ask you this ,would you stand by and watch your fellow officer getting closer and closer to death's door and not do something, anything at all to help ?" Tucker replied " this is not about me. It's about you and detective Stabler who shot and killed a man. I am not saying that you guys are in the wrong or right. We just have to cover all of our bases. Would you please wait outside. I'll call you both back in when a decision has been made regarding the shooting ."

So do you think the shooting was a good one or bad ?


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