Chapter 7

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Toy Chica was in the kitchen. The smell of pizza in the air. She takes out one pizza and puts another one in the over. It's been a while since she was able to cook pizza normally and not on a schedule. As Toy Chica takes another pizza and places it in the oven, Mangle enters the kitchen.

"Hey, Mang! Where have you been? I haven't seen you for an hour or 2." Asked Toy Chica.

Mangle looks at the clock and sees that an hour and a half has passed since she first taked to Foxy. It wasn't a long time, but she definitely didn't feel the change.

"Ah, sorry, Chic, I was doing some stuff." Said Mangle as she goes over to Toy Chica and looks at the pizzas.

"Oh, well, Toy Bonnie wanted you to go up to the top shelf and grab the chess board since the ladder broke." Said Toy Chica as she uses one hand to steer the tomato sauce on the dough and the other grabbing the pepperoni.

"And? Did they get it?" Asked Mangle.


"Almost... Got... It!" said Toy Bonnie as he reached for the chess board on the top of the shelf. He was on his toes and on Toy Freddy's Shoulders and Toy Chica, watching from the door in amusement.

"Bon! Did you get it yet!" Barked Toy Freddy as he tried to keep himself from falling.

"I Got It!!" Said Toy Bonnie in excitement.

As Toy Bonnie celebrates, the shelf starts to tilt forward. Toy Freddy notices the shelf moving and quickly moves out of the way. Toy Bonnie falls off his shoulders and onto the ground. He tries to quickly get up and move out the way, but the shelf falls on top of him.

There was a loud sound, and the only thing that could be heard after was Toy Bonnie's muffled voice under the shelf. "OOOOOWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!"

Toy Freddy facepalms with annoyance, and Toy Chica giggles as the sight. Toy Bonnie was about to squeeze out of the shelf, and the top of his left ear was broken. He pulls out the chess board and shakes it a bit as he smiles at both of them.

**FlashBack Ends**

"Um, Yea, they got it, alright." Said Toy Chica while giggling. "Toy Bonnie needs a new upper ear, but other than that, it went smoothly."

Both of the girls start to laugh nonstop at the joke. As they continue to giggle, they hear a voice from the entrance of the kitchen.

"You girls having fun?" Both Toy Chica and Mangle look at the door to the kitchen. The figure starts to levitate to them, and when it finally comes out of the dark area, they see who it is.

"Puppet!" Said Mangle.

"Morning girls." Said the puppet as she looked at both of them. "I hope everything is alright. I woke up to a loud noise earlier in the night."

"Oh, yea, that was Toy Freddy and Toy Bonnie. It isn't too big of a deal." Said Toy Chica.

"Toy Bonnie needs a new ear, tho." Added Mangle.

"Hmm, well, since we're here, I guess I can fix him up." Said the puppet. The room falls silent.

"Oh yea. Have you met the new animatronics?" Asked Toy Chica

"No. I haven't. Where are they? I wouldn't mind welcoming our new friends." Said The Puppet.

"They're in the parts and services room. They are a bit...-" said Toy Chica before Mangle finishes her sentence.


"Well, still, I wouldn't mind saying hello to new company." Said the puppet.

"They aren't very talkative, but they're very good listeners. I had an experience with the bunny." Said Toy Chica

"Aw, come on, Chick, get to know them. The Fox told me that the reason they're so defensive is because the other Toy animatronics in the pizzerias they were at weren't too friendly." Said Mangle.

The Marionette freezes up when Toy Chica and Mangle talk about the Bunny and Fox. She thinks in her head. "The new animatronics can't be toys since they're withered... can they?" She doesn't want to get too much hope in case what she's thinking isn't true, but her curiosity gets the better of her, and she leaves the kitchen without a goodbye.

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