Celebrations and Disappointments

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Okay so now its time for the toasts "okay everyone please welcome Emily and Hanna" "hey guys so I was gonna do this by myself but, as some of you may know me and Han come of as 2 for 1 deal but only as friends my partner in life is taken up hopefully forever now too" Em say looking at me. "okay so Em has gone soppy but I have not so, Spencer, Aria, Sparia I can remember in high school when you two would look at each other and make googly eyes but never actually make a move" "yeah you guy were worse than I was and I was bad" Em says and everyone laughs "anyway me and Han just wanted to say we are really happy for you and we hope this is forever for you" "so to Sparia" Hanna and Emily finish and walk off the stage "and now for Alison" "hey guys, so I just wanna start by saying this day has been a great day for many people and I'm so happy I could be a part of it. Okay so as many of you are aware I was a bit of a bitch in high school" "I laugh and everyone laughs along with me "anyway when I found out that Spencer was my sister we got a lot closer I remember one day she came round and told me she like someone and I knew straight away who she meant, I was the only one that knew for a while. And fast forward a few year and look how far you have come little sis. Your married to our gorgeous friend and my new sister in law Aria. You are both beautiful and I can honestly say I could not think of a better couple than you two. I may be older but in high school I always looked up to Spence, she new where she wanted to go and what she wanted to do, of course I would never tell anyone that but here we are" everyone laughs again "anyway coming back to town for this wedding was the best thing I ever did because not only did I just witness love but I also found the love of my life again, and to finish this speech I need to ask Emily if she could come back up here for a minute." I look at Emily and she looks confused but walks to the stage. "hey everyone again" we all laugh "so Emily, wow um sorry I'm really nervous" "okay so Em when I got the call from Spence that she had propose I did something reckless at the time and bought something, but now I know why I did it, so this week I told Emily I was running a few errends and little did she know I was actually talking to 9 of our loved ones, you see 3 people to ask for permission and the other 6 for permission for the venue." I got down on one knee "Emily since the day I met you I knew I loved you and these past three years without you have been... has been the worse year, months, days of my life, I never want to be without you for as long as I live, so Emily Catherine Fields will you do me the greatest honour in becoming my partner in life and my lifeline and my wife" "yes... yes... a million times yes Ali" I put the ring on her finger then stood up and kissed her passionately. "I love you so much" "I love you too mermaid" we kiss again.

We get off the stage and lots of people come up to us and congratulate us. I sit down as Em continue to talk to people. After a while she come towards me and sits on my lap. I look at her and say "you are perfect" "no dear that's you" "really were gonna start that again" "no I'm just saying the truth" "no you not you are deflecting the truth" "really ladies your not even married yet and you fight like an old married couple" "hey dad" "hi Emmy" "I'll leave you guys to talk, love you babe" "love you to Als"

Emily's pov

"hey dad what's up" "honey I'm being sent out again" "but you just got home" "I know sweetheart but its my job" "and that's more important than your child" "Emmy you know that's not the case" "really" I get up and start to walk away "Em baby, Emily." I hear Ali shout after me. I walk out then run to a place I know I can be alone and think.

Ali's pov

"what happened" "I told her I had to go back to work" "look, that doesn't matter right now can we just please find my future wife" we all spread out and after half an hour everyone got back to the wedding and still no Em. "right stay here there's one more place I can look, I'll see you all soon"

I keep walking trough the trees "you know if you didn't wanna be found don't go somewhere that means a lot to you that's always where people look" I laugh. I see her lying on the floor in a ball "well maybe I wanted to hide but have you find me" "fair enough. Hey baby are you okay, come here" I say sitting on the floor, she lifts her head and puts it back down on my lap she starts to cry. I pick her up so she is sitting across my lap. I pull her close and wrap my arms around her. "hey its okay baby, you don't have to talk about but if you do I'm here" "It's my dad Ali, I don't know what to do" "yeah he told me" "he's leaving again" "I don't know what to say baby there is nothing I can say right now but, I do suggest we go back say goodbye then we can just go home. Maybe I can run you a bath and then you can relax" "I would like that" "come on then baby, you know you have everyone worried sick at the party everyone was looking for you" "really" "yeah so lets go back show them your okay and then we will go home" "okay, and Ali" "yes baby" "I love you" "I lobe you to my beautiful mermaid" we get in my car, I move my hand and place it on her thigh, she grabs it and intertwines our fingers. I drive back to the party.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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