Plan in action

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Spencer’s pov
we all look at Emily with sympathy then she starts to walk away “okay guys we really have to fix this, they both love each other they’re just too scared to be together” “okay I know I may not be smart but I may have an idea, Alison and Emily can’t turn down a game of ‘never have I ever’ and ‘truth or dare’ if we invite them separately then when we are all there we can purposely say things that will make them talk” “I’m not sure Han that might not work” “Actually Spence I don’t think that’s such a bad idea” “okay Hanna on Friday you go get Emily and tell her I’m having a sleepover don’t tell her Alison will be there and me and Aria will do the same with Ali” “okay good idea Spence but right now I think we really need to get to Ali’s before she gets pissy” “well put Aria” Spence replied.

Emily’s pov (Friday)
So somehow Han has convinced me to go to a sleepover at Spencers I wish that Ali was going but Apparently she has a date, if I ever find out who it is I’m gonna kill them because Alison is mine… stop Emily you have Paige, but she’s not Ali… oh well I guess “hey Spence I’m here” “Spencer you said Emily wasn’t gonna be here this is bullshit” “oh well come on its game time, okay so lets start with never have I ever” “okay I’ll start, never have I ever kissed a girl” “so can I drink for ever girl I’ve kissed because I’ll be drunk in no time” I say jokingly to piss Ali off a little then under her breath she says “slag” “okay my turn never have I ever been in love” everyone drinks except Ali “that bullshit and you know it” “fuck you Emily, I’m going to get food” Ali walks to the kitchen and out of no where she shouts “ugh Fuck me” so I thought it would be funny to reply “gladly name a time and place” “fuck off Emily” after a while Ali came back up stairs. Spencer piped up “okay time for truth or dare” “okay I’m going first” “okay Ali truth or dare” “dare obviously” “okay I dare you to play the rest shirtless” “okay Hanna” Ali pulls off her shirt in one swift movement she was wearing this lacy bra that made her boobs pop I couldn’t help but stare “hey Em I think you have a little drool there” “fuck off Han” “okay Em your turn then, truth or dare” “dare” “I dare you to place a Hickey anywhere on Ali’s body, are you okay with that Ali” “have at it Emily” I got up to Ali and whisper in her ear “you know I have always loved you ass and especially you boobs” I go down to her boobs and start to give her a Hickey I place my hand on her ass and slightly massage it but also so the other girls don’t see “there done” I look back at Ali and I see her bit her lip a little.

After a few round it’s Ali’s go again “dare always” “oh I got this one” Aria says “give Someone a lap dance” I see Ali smirk then walk up to me, she shoves her ass into my face then does and slut drop motion onto my lap and pusses her ass into my groin then she gets up and sits back in her seat leaving me a little horny “okay Emily truth or dare” “well how about dare” Hanna, Spencer And Aria all say “kiss Ali for 2 minute” “you guys had that planed didn’t you” they all shrugged “well I don’t know about Ali but I’m not su…” Ali pulled my into her and started to kiss me. I kissed back when I pulled back Ali grabbed my neck harder and kissed me a little more. After about the 2 minute were up we decided to finish the game and Ali put her shirt back on I walk over to her and whispered in her ear “I like you better without it” as I walked away I saw here blush a little. we all started to watch films downstairs Sparia is sat on the cuddle chair, Han is sat on the floor which leaves me and Als on the sofa. We all changed into our pyjamas and I notice Ali has really short shorts on as well as a huge t shirt. right now I’m sat across the sofa from her so I decide to text her.

Private chat

Em: hey Als
Ali: Em your sat right next to me, so why are you texting me
Em: because I wanted to ask you a question
Ali: okay??
Em: how quiet can you be
Ali: I don’t know pretty quiet I guess
Em: okay
Ali: wait is that it
Ali: Em
Ali: Emily is that it

End of chat

Time for the fun to begin.

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