chapter fifteen

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A/N: sorry it's been a while since i updated

A couple of days went by and hanging out with Kendall became more normal. It was no longer uncomfortable going out with mutual friends or remembering funny anecdotes from the past.

Today I didn't have much planned for the day since Alex Cooper had invited me to her 'Call her Daddy' podcast. It was kind of an interview which took place at Alex's house and she would ask me intimate questions but in a free and comfortable way.

Anyway, when I got to her house, she hugged me and welcomed me warmly, making jokes and having a chill conversation.

We made a couple of drinks and sat down on the sofas in their living room where the microphones and cameras were set up.

"Oh my god, first of all, I fucking love your outfit y/n" Alex started as I gave her a shy smile.

"Oh thanks, babe. Actually almost none of these clothes are mine" I chuckled.

"Whose is it?" she asked with a curious smile.

"Um, this is Kylie's..." I said, pointing to my oversized hoodie. "These are Bella's, we're the same size and we steal each other's shoes sometimes" I added, showing her my boots "and well, of course, Skims" I winked, lifting the sweatshirt and showing my t-shirt

"Oh my god, iconic," Alex laughed. "Okay so, welcome y/n y/l/n to Call her Daddy. I'm so, so, so excited to have you here" She said as I rearranged myself on the comfortable sofa, crossing my legs.

"Thank you, I'm so happy to be here" I smiled.

"Also, I know this is your first podcast since your return so let's make it commemorable"

"Yeah, yes for sure. I'm so glad I'm doing this with you" I said.

"You're so nice, we're gonna do this together, don't worry" Alex nodded with a slight smile.  "Can you tell us, because we're literally fucking dying to know, why did you leave?"

There was a second of silence as I tried to come up with the right answer.

"I had to leave because I wanted to see my family and get away for a while" I answered.

"Does it have to do with what happened at Coachella?"

"You mean the Kendall thing?" I asked with a grin.

"Yeah! Yeah, the Kendall thing" She laughed at the unimportant tone with which I said it.

"No and yes. I mean it's not the main reason but yeah..."

"And can you tell us what happened at Coachella, y/n?" Alex smiled cheekily.

I smiled and blushed a bit.

"So early that night Kendall and I talked and agreed to um, make our relationship public..." I tried not to smile but still the feeling of that conversation brought butterflies to my stomach.

"SO IT WAS REAL?" Alex said excitedly as I nodded.

"Yeah, it was," I smiled.

"And why did you leave then? You guys seemed so happy"

"Well I'm sure you've heard the rumors," I said and chuckled.

"Yeah, of course, but we need your side of the story. It's more important than any rumors"

"I mean, it includes someone else besides me so maybe one day we can tell it together" I said and the girl nodded satisfied.

"Alright so y/n..."

"Yes Alex?" I smiled.

"Oh my god stop, your smile is so beautiful you're making me nervous"

"Shut up" I laughed and took another sip from my drink.

"Okay, okay. So, this is the part of the podcast where it gets spicy"

"Oohh" I chuckled.

"Do I think you can answer all my questions?" Alex raised her eyebrows.

"I do, I think I have nothing to hide" I said.

"Cool, then it's going to be easy," Alex said. "Alright, first question. When was the first time you got drunk?" I chuckled remembering one of the funniest nights of my life.

"So I was fourteen and it was at my house with my high school friends"

"Shit, fourteen?!" She asked with wide eyes.

"Mhm, my parents had gone on a trip and I invited my friends to my house, we were like fifteen girls" I laughed.

"And did you like, throw up?"

"Nope, I remember being so proud of myself" I chuckled. "I did kiss all of my girlfriends though, my best friend was my first kiss"

"Oh my god, that's actually so cute!" Alex smiled.

"Yeah" I giggled.

"And when was the first time you smoked weed?"

"Oh, it was before I got drunk. I actually did it with the best friend who kissed me"

"So hold on, at fourteen you had already, not only had your first kiss, but kissed multiple of your friends, got wasted and smoked weed?" Alex asked, sitting on the edge of her seat.

"Yeah" I nodded and chuckled at her expression. "My parents are gonna fucking kill me"

"Oh yeah" Alex nodded and laughed.

"Alright so to wrap it up, one final question. Y/n, what really turns you on?"

"Uh...." I bit my lip while thinking. "I really like hands. Kendall- she's gonna kill me for saying this but, she used to put her hands on my neck like in a certain way that fucking melted me" I said as Alex laughed.

"Like choking?"

"yeah, kind of" I chuckled.

"Do you like that kind of sex?" she asked.

"Yeah, who doesn't? But I mean, I'm open to everything really. I like trying new things, especially that kind of stuff" I explained.

"Like toys?"

"Sure, like toys" I giggled. "I'm so gonna regret this, I've had way too many of these" I said, holding up my Margarita.

Alex laughed and grabbed hers "We really need to go out drinking together so you can tell me all of this shit in private"

"Oh my god! Of course! And I know a place" I winked at her and she laughed.

"I think im fucking in love with you, but unfortunately we are past time and we can't keep talking"

"What a shame, I was just getting started," I smiled .

"Oh, you and I are going to keep talking," the girl said. "But thank you very much for joining me in this episode, Y/n. You're probably the most beautiful and funniest girl ever"

"Stop, you're so precious" I blushed. "Thank you, it was an honour" A smile escaped from my lips as I supported the empty glass on the table next to me.

a/n: i'm going to double update because this was a shitty chapter :)

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