Brother and Sister

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The Prince's day began like any other, with a morning flight on the back of his dragon, Heatfyre. Over the years, Heatfyre had grown to surpass the size of his sister dragon, Syrax, much to her dismay.

The sky offered freedom to the prince, with the crisp air rushing through his hair as they soared above the beautiful clouds below. Flying with his faithful companion was his only respite from the watchful eyes of the court, especially since the King had yet to name an heir. The lords of the court deemed the prince the heir to the Iron Throne, following the tradition of Andal law where the firstborn son inherits.

They presented their young daughters in hopes of securing a match to elevate their house's status, expecting nothing less than excellence from the prince in all his endeavours. In contrast, his elder sister, Princess Rhaenyra, often seen as lacking in duty, seemed to inherit the fiery spirit of the dragon blood, known for her mischievous escapades within the Red Keep.

However, his peaceful moments in the skies were interrupted by a familiar roar, signalling the arrival of the yellow she-dragon, Syrax. The princess challenged her brother to a race to the dragon pit, which he readily accepted. As Heatfyre narrowed his wings to gain speed, they quickly outpaced Syrax, landing gracefully in the dragon pit with the elder dragon following suit.Dismounting their dragons, they approached each other with laughter. The princess accused her brother of cheating before playfully pouting and enveloping him in a hug.

The two were greeted by a pleasant and familiar sight as they arrived at the dragon pit, where a carriage awaited, revealing the arrival of Lady Alicent Hightower, daughter of the Hand, and Ser Harrold, a knight of the King's Guard.

Dragon keepers approached, easing the dragons into the pit with spears and commands in High Valyrian. Sir Harrold's face displayed relief as his charges returned unharmed.Rhaenyra teased, "Oh come on, Sir Harrold, don't look so relieved."

"I am my princess and prince," Sir Harrold replied. "Each time those beasts return you unscathed, my head remains unmounted upon a spike in the Red Keep."

Princess Rhaenyra then turned to her companion, Alicent, who remarked, "Syrax and Heatfyre are growing larger by the day. Soon they will rival Caraxes in size.""That's nearly large enough to saddle two," Rhaenyra said, glancing at her brother. Aelor nodded in agreement.

"I'm quite happy as a spectator," Alicent replied.

The two princes and Lady Hightower entered the carriage, bound for the Red Keep. The castle stood tall, adorned with symbols of House Targaryen, the royal family.

As they traversed the Red Keep, they received bows and nods from nobles. "My prince, princess, my lady," the nobles greeted.

They made their way to the royal apartments to check on Queen Aemma, heavily pregnant with the King's expected son. The Queen had endured numerous miscarriages and stillbirths, causing her great pain. Both the Prince and Princess were deeply concerned for their mother's well-being.

Inside the Queen's chambers, servants attended to her. "Ah, Rhaenyra, you know I don't like you flying in this condition," the Queen remarked.

Rhaeynra replied, "You don't like me flying in any condition."

The Prince and Lady Alicent exchanged pleasantries with the Queen before the Prince nodded to his mother and departed, leaving the ladies to converse.

"How did you sleep, and for how long?" Rhaenyra inquired.

"I slept well enough, Rhaeynra. I don't need mothering," the Queen responded.

"It's just you, with all these servants attending to the babies and no one caring for yourself," Rhaenyra remarked.

"You will lie in this bed soon enough, Rhaeynra. This discomfort is part of serving the realm," the Queen replied.

Rhaenyra smirked, "I'd rather be a knight and ride to battle in glory."

"We have royal duties, you and I. The child's bed is our battlefield, and we must face it with a stiff upper lip. Now, take a bath; you smell of dragon," the Queen said, chuckling.

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