Meeting the family

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Since the joyful news of Prince Aelor's birth echoed throughout the realm, both the commoners and nobility celebrated , marking the occasion with grand feasts and jubilant gatherings. At the heart of these celebrations lay the people and court of King's Landing, led by King Jahaerys, who, upon hearing of the birth, decreed a magnificent feast in honour of the young prince.

A few days following the birth, King Jahaerys summoned Prince Aelor to be presented to House Targaryen.  Aemma couldn't help but fret over how the elderly king and his venerable queen would receive her newborn son. Nonetheless, she and Viserys prepared to bring him to the throne room, accompanied by a retinue of guards.

As they approached the great doors of the throne room, a herald's voice rang out, announcing their arrival: "The prince Viserys, son of the Prince of Dragonstone and Hand of the King, his wife Lady Aemma Arryn, and their son Prince Aelor."

Entering the room, they were met with the imposing sight of King Jahaerys seated atop the Iron Throne, a symbol of Targaryen might forged from the conquests of Aegon the Conqueror. Beside him sat his beloved consort, the Good Queen Alysanne, revered for her benevolence toward all, from the lowliest peasant to the highest noble.

Standing beside the throne was the Hand of the King, Baleon the Brave, clad in the colors of House Targaryen, with the ancestral sword Dark Sister at his side. Next to him stood his son, Prince Daemon, known as the Rogue Prince, accompanied by his wife Lady Rhea Royce and their daughter, whose Valyrian features sparked curiosity among the assembled guests.

Opposite them stood House Velaryon, led by Lord Corlys Velaryon, known as the Sea Snake for his daring maritime exploits. With him was Princess Rhaenys, denied her rightful place as heir to the throne, a source of tension within the family, evident in the strained gazes exchanged across the room.

Prince Viserys and Aemma approached the steps of the Iron Throne, where Viserys gently took their son into his arms, preparing to present him to his grandparents. Queen Alysanne, overcome with joy, reached out to cradle her great-grandson, marveling at his Valyrian features. King Jahaerys, his gaze filled with pride, expressed his hopes for the young prince's future, wishing him to be both a skilled warrior and a wise scholar to secure the legacy of their house.

With formalities concluded, the family gathered around Prince Aelor, showering him with affection and laughter, filling the room with warmth and cheer.

However, amidst the joyous atmosphere, Prince Daemon seized the moment to petition his grandfather for a dragon egg for his daughter, a request that drew mixed reactions from the assembled guests. Nonetheless, the king granted his request, stipulating that a dragon egg be chosen for both his great-granddaughter and his great-grandson.

Accompanied by his niece, Prince Daemon ventured to the dragon pit, where they carefully selected eggs for the youngest members of their family. For his daughter, he chose a large violet egg from the clutch of Dreamfyre, captivated by its unique hue. Princess Rhaenyra, meanwhile, selected a platinum egg with golden flecks, a tribute to her brother's potential dragon.

Returning to the royal apartments with the prized eggs, the young princess eagerly rushed to her brother's cradle, excitedly presenting him with his new treasure, her eyes sparkling with delight as she exclaimed, "Look, Aelor, look! An egg!"

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