The Death and Rise of a King

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The elderly King Jaehaerys's health steadily declined over the following years, necessitating Lord Otto to assume greater responsibilities in governing the realm alongside Queen Alysanne. Despite his failing health, the king remained committed to mentoring his grandson, Prince Viserys, in matters of leadership and politics.

By early 103 AC, the king's condition deteriorated, his memory faltering. He often confused others for deceased family members, particularly mistaking his hand's daughter, Lady Alicent Hightower, for his daughter, Princess Saera. In a poignant moment, he joyously welcomed Alicent, prompting Queen Alysanne to gently remind him of reality.

Queen Alysanne's frustration with Alicent's deception led to her decision to ban the young lady from reading to the king, despite Alicent's innocent intentions to comfort him. Shortly thereafter, the king peacefully passed away, leaving the realm in mourning for the loss of a beloved ruler.

The funeral of King Jaehaerys was a solemn affair held in the dragon pit. The court and members of House Targaryen gathered as the silent sisters wrapped the king's body and placed it upon a funeral pyre, following traditional Valyrian customs. Queen Alysanne stepped forward to command her dragon, Silverwing, to release the flames that consumed the pyre, reducing the king's body to ashes.

Following the funeral rites, Prince Viserys called for a period of three months of mourning before his coronation. The coronation ceremony took place in the dragon pit, with crowds of peasants and nobles alike gathered to witness the prince's ascension to the throne.

As the High Septon blessed him: "May the warrior give him courage, May the smith lend strength to his sword and shield, May the father defend him in his need, May the Crone lift her shinning lamp and light his way to wisdom." Prince Viserys knelt, adorned in the sigil of House Targaryen and the ancestral sword Blackfyre strapped to his belt. The crown of the Old King Jaehaerys was placed upon his head, and he stood to face the crowd, officially proclaimed King Viserys I."All hail his grace Viserys Targaryen, first of his name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm!" proclaimed the High Septon.

The crowd erupted into cheers as the reign of King Viserys I, the Peaceful, began, marking the dawn of a new era for the realm.

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