Chapter 2

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Sept. 09, 2023

"From all of the birthdays we celebrated together, tonight is the most special and the happiest for me."

Jia started her speech, standing in front of the very few and close people they had invited in the room with their family. But she's only at the beginning of her sentence, the people in the room could already see her fighting back the tears.

This even made Junkyu silently scoff. He thinks he hasn't seen his twin this emotional on their birthday before.

"I can see all the people that I hold dear in my heart in this room and I realize, that's just how many people I need in this life. Our parents, our few friends, and..."

Jia looked at Junkyu for a second before looking in front again, still keeping her tears at bay.

"...and most importantly seeing my brother here with me, with us. I don't know why I'm so emotional tonight but maybe I guess it's because Oppa has always kept his promise to me. And that is to spend every birthday of us together. Together... and he truly never missed one."

Junkyu smiled at his sister and raised his glass for her.

"So... I want to thank everyone for being here tonight. Happy birthday to my ever annoying twin brother..."

Everyone laughed at that comment.

"...and a toast to my parents for bringing such a fine, wonderful, amazing, and beautiful woman into this world."

"Hey, tone it down!"

Junkyu teased his sister as everyone enjoyed Jia's speech.

"Cheers to more years spent together."


Clicking sound of glasses resonated in the room as everyone raised their glasses for a toast. And the celebration began.

It wasn't grand per se. They only invited very close friends and it was rather intimate and private. But Junkyu was thankful for Jia to organize such party knowing he isn't comfortable in any crowd either.

"Thanks for coming. I know you have been busy lately." Junkyu turned to Yoshi who was sitting beside him, chugging his own glass of bourbon.

"Please. I won't miss your birthday for the world."

This made Junkyu beam and his eyes caught Junghwan who was laughing with Jia on the table in front of desserts.

"Glad he made it, too." Junkyu pointed Junghwan using his chin. "I thought he might be out of the country for some seminar."

"He won't miss your birthday for anything ever again. So he moved it a couple days later."

"I truly appreciate both of you for making time. I somehow felt extra special tonight." Junkyu laughed.

"Of course! It's your birthday."

A moment of silence followed but Junkyu decided to ask the question he'd been meaning to ask ever since the couple arrived in their family villa. He just couldn't take the question off his mind. He had to ask.



"Do you know someone named Haruto?"

The question somehow rendered Yoshi mute. But it didn't take long. Junghwan heard the question on his way back and answered on his partner's behalf.

"I don't think so, and where did that name come from anyway?"

Junghwan sat beside Yoshi.

"I just had this weird dream this morning. Both of you were there and then there was this guy named Haruto. I don't know. It just felt so real. Like, I was in there."

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