Ruby team

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(On the rooftop with Ruby,Weiss, vortex swindle and Nora who has a somewhat sad expression, but then musters up a look of determination. Blake puts her hand on Ruby's shoulder)

Blake: Hey, we're still united.

Blastoff: Yeah even though onslaught locked up me and Swidle will fallow you.

Ruby: I hope so.

Maria: (over ear-piece) I can get Pietro out to Amity to prepare, but that doesn't answer how we're getting all of you up to Atlas.

Weiss: I might actually have an idea f—

(A beeping tone starts playing from someone's Scroll. The girls look confused, and Blake, Ruby and Nora check their Scrolls. The five of them then turn to look at blastoff, who is holding his ringing Scroll, unsure of what to do. The scroll's says)

(Incoming Call dad. Blastoff inhales and taps the Talk icon, accepting the call)

Ironwood: (calmly) Hello, son. I'm worried for your and penny's safety. Tell me where you are and I'll have you picked up right away. Atlas needs you, Penny. Salem is here. And I can't lose you to Jr.

(Ruby walks over to Penny, who allows her to take the Scroll)

Ruby: Their not going anywhere until you change your mind about Mantle. There's still a chance for Remnant to be—

Ironwood: Mantle. You're still worried about Mantle?! Remnant is doomed, Ruby. Unless we leave, Salem will destroy Atlas and with it, any hope Humanity has left. We need to think about the future. If she makes it through our defenses, everything that follows will be on your hands. And I'm asking one last time son please come home.

(I just closed my eye and dead the call as I walk away to have a moment to myself as Penny tenses, becomes worried, and then leans into a hug from Ruby. Ruby's brave face falters, and she looks somewhat worried)

Weiss: Blastoff are you ok?

Blastoff: Yeah! I'm fine let's just go!

Swindle: I can't even imagine what he's going through having to fight you dad over the kingdom where you were born.

Weiss: And here I thought I have father issues.

(We then move to some where else in Mantle, Penny is seen standing on a rooftop, taking a long look at the civilians making their way to the crater. Behind her, blastoff burns the chain of as the fence opens)

May: Alright, come on.

(Penny turns around as Weiss and Ruby walk in, following them. Nora, Blake and May soon follow)

Nora: (Pauses next to May) Thanks again for coming.

May: Don't mention it. Once Robyn learned about Amity Tower, she wouldn't shut up about it. Wherever she is, I'm sure she would want us doing what we can to get it up in the air and get the world talking again.

(May Closes the gate once everyone is on the other side)

May: Besides, Fiona's got your friends helping out in my stead.

Nora: (Nora looks away) Yeah.

(The group head towards what looks like a factory)

Ruby: Are you sure this is safe?

Swindle: Yeah I doest't atlas own these drones!

(Inside, numerous robots are seen manning devices next to large, slightly transparent tubes. A package goes up one of the tubes with an audible whoosh. The robots do not react as the group walks in)

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