Our Way

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(Back in Argus, multiple Manta aircraft engage in dogfights against Manticores and Sphinxs above the ocean. The Leviathan itself slowly trudges through the water approaching the city. Some aircraft fly by for a gun run on the towering Grimm. The Leviathan, however, simply dives below the ocean and swims)

Air Control: All units, be advised: Leviathan-class Grimm has submerged but is still on approach. Preparing hard-light shields, over!

(Elsewhere, Ruby and her friends overhear the radio chatter with looks of horror on their faces. Caroline continues to struggle to get the Colossus' arm cannon out of the water with it being covered in ice and rock Dust)

Manta Two-Two: We're getting slammed by hostiles out here! Where is Cordovin?!

Cordovin: This is your fault! Do you hear me?!

Yang: Ruby!

Onslaught: Glad to see both of you ok.

(Yang and Blake Belladonna can be seen running out of the forest to rejoin the group)

Ruby: Yang! Blake! Are you okay?

(Yang and Blake notice the disabled mech)

Blake: What happened?

Vortex: A long story. That what.

(The group then hears the Leviathan roaring)

Yang: Was that a giant Grimm?

Brawl: Yes it is and it's on it way.

Weiss: Yes... and we just ruined the only thing capable of stopping it...

(The group wastes no time boarding the aircraft. As team COMABT boar their and they both begins to fly away. Ruby watches with pity as Cordovin continues to struggle to move the mech. Cordovin herself yells out in anger)

Cordovin: This is your fault!! YOUR FAULT!!! This is... (gives up)

Soldier: (over radio) Ma'am, what's your status? We need an answer, over!

Cordovin: ... your fault... (looks down sadly)

(With ruby and her friends on their aircraft)

Blake: I'm so sorry.

Yang: Don't be. This isn't on you.

Blake: But—

Ruby: You're safe, that's all that matters.

(Blake smiles at her leader and the two hug. Ruby looks to Yang and the two share a smile)

Maria: I suppose I have to be the bad guy and say it, getting the lamp to Atlas is still our top priority, and right now we have the perfect opportunity to head straight for it. We may not get another chance like this.

(Onslaught then come on the radio)

Onslaught: I hate to say it but she right if we say and help then their just going to hunt use till we're all behind bars.

Yang: No way!

Weiss: We can't leave, not like this.

Blake: It's like you said, a Huntress is supposed to protect others to the bitter end.

(Maria looks to Ruby, who just shrugs and smiles. Maria smiles back. On team COMABT ship they all look at each other and smile as they continues to fly)

Ruby: We need to head for the Leviathan. Jaune, can you and Ren be ready to mask our ship?

Ren: I think we can manage.

Ruby: Onslaught do you think you and your team can distract the leviathan.

Brawl: You kidding we got more them enough fire power to keep that breast eyes on us.

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