Heroes and Monsters

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(Team CAMBAT arrive at beacon grounds, Velvet groans as she struggles to get up, only to get knocked back down when Coco bumps into her after getting knocked away from a Paladin off-screen. The camera pans with Neon and Reese as they dodge and weave between groups of students fighting against Grimm plus the infected Atlesian Knights and Paladins. The rest of Team ABRN surrounds a Griffon attacking it with bullets and fireballs, as Bolin knocks a Knight aside. Reese spins her board and slices through another as she passes by it. Nearby Sun and Neptune try to hold back a Paladin, while Nora and Ren decimate another group of Knights. Yatsuhashi Daichi is seen fighting another Griffon while Fox dashes over from a pile of robot parts. Two Creeps rush at Flynt who uses his trumpet to send the first one flying. Neon and Reese use their weapons to freeze a second Paladin's legs in place. Weiss then arrives on the battlefield, and charges in but gets swatted aside by its arm)

Neptune: Weiss!

(Yatsuhashi tries to hold back a Paladin's fist with his sword, but he gets overpowered and knocked back. The Paladin then turns to and starts approaching a distracted Ren)

Onslaught: Let's move team.

Brawl: Hell yeah!

Blastoff: Let's go make some noise!

Vortex: This is going to be epic.

Swindle: Let get it done.

(They move to the back of their ship as the hatch opens for them and they jump out and free fall into the air and as they do they combine into Bruticus and with his increased size and falls fast as he does he take out his blade as his blade shoots become four and start to spin fast. Coco and Neptune Vasilias fire their weapons at the Paladin, but it is unfazed)

Neptune: Uh, this is bad.

Coco: (look up) Um guys incoming.

Velvet: Everyone move.

(They all see what coming and move out of the way as Bruticus slides on the gourd using his spin blade to cut up the Grimm that were their as he then gets up)

Weiss: I never thought I be some happy to see this big bozo.

Bruticus: Bruticus no bozo! Bruticus is the strongest!

(He says as he see the Paladin walk to him but Bruticus is to time their size as he runs at them as he grabs one and crushed in as he start to fight them all as one starts to fire on him so does  Bruticus as a small flame was in his hand and then fires a big stream at the paladin melting it down to scrap but as this happens one jump on his back as two of them went for his legs knocking the giant down as in get ready to punch Bruticus face. Furious, Weiss immediately rushes in past the others, as she instinctively uses a summoning glyph, confusing her. When she gets in between Bruticus and the Paladin about to bring its fist down, she raises Myrtenaster defensively then closes her eyes and grits her teeth. A thud is heard as she looks up and discovers she summoned the arm and sword of the Arma Gigas she fought before, which blocks the Paladin's fist and bisects the machine in half. She takes a brief look at her summoning before being surprised by a camera flash, which was taken by a smiling Velvet. As this happens Bruticus breaks free and steps on one as he just shoots the other one with a giant gun from swindle but see more Grimm on their away Bruticus takes a knees and the missile launches on his back fire and unleash a fury of them at they hit the ground exploding the Grimm)

Bruticus: That was fun!

Sun: Nice job big man.

(Sun rise his hand up for a high five and Bruticus uses his pinky at they high five. But before they can take a breath, another advanced Paladin rushes in from the corner and begins to charge at them)

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