Chapter 19

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Isabel found herself comfortably settled in one of the plush lounge chairs in the elegant living room. From this vantage point, she observed the rest of the Whitlock coven engaging in lively conversation, catching up with one another. Suddenly, the room was interrupted by the arrival of Amaya, one of Isabel's hybrids, who rushed in with a sense of urgency.

"Belle, we have encountered trouble at the border," Amaya informed her, her voice tinged with concern.

Curiosity piqued, Isabel inquired, "What has transpired?"

"Paul Lahote had a confrontation with Malachi," Amaya revealed, her tone filled with a mix of frustration and disappointment.

Isabel couldn't help but mutter under her breath, "Damn, why did I ever decide to create a wolf hybrid?"

Amaya, standing tall and attentive like a disciplined soldier, awaited further instructions. Isabel's gaze shifted towards Jasper, seeking his assistance.

"Hey Jasper, would you be willing to lend me a hand with these hybrids?" Isabel asked, her eyes fixed on him.

Jasper nodded in agreement, silently acknowledging his readiness to assist.

"Amaya, you may stand down. It is not your fault; male wolves have a tendency to be stubborn," Isabel reassured her, placing a comforting hand on Amaya's shoulder.

With determination in her eyes, Isabel swiftly retrieved her black leather jacket from the coat rack, preparing herself for what lay ahead. Jasper and Amaya followed closely behind her, ready to face the challenges that awaited them at the border.

"Enough!" Isabel growled, her voice commanding attention.

Malachi froze in his tracks upon hearing Isabel's authoritative voice, fully aware that her arrival signaled a shift in the situation.

The remaining hybrids stood frozen in place, their cheers for Malachi abruptly silenced. Isabel, with a fierce expression on her face, growled in frustration, demanding an explanation for the commotion.

"What is happening here!?" she snarled, her voice filled with irritation and impatience.

Calista, one of Isabel's hybrids, stepped forward to provide some clarity amidst the confusion. With a calm demeanor, she began to explain the situation that had unfolded between Malachi and the Quileute wolf, Paul.

"Well, you see, Calista began, her voice steady and composed, "Malachi and Paul had a confrontation. It seems that Malachi believed Paul had crossed over to our side of the border, while Paul thought the opposite."

As the details unfolded, the tension in the air seemed to dissipate slightly, allowing Isabel to process the situation more clearly. Calista's presence provided a sense of reassurance, as she was known for her level-headedness among the group of hybrids.

Isabel stood with her arms crossed, her foot tapping impatiently on the ground. She was determined to maintain her composure, despite the rising anger within her.

"Malachi," she called out firmly, her voice carrying authority, "you are relieved of your border duty. Return to the manor immediately."


Malachi nodded in acknowledgment and began making his way back to the manor, his steps brisk and purposeful.

"Now," Isabel addressed the remaining hybrids, her voice filled with a mix of caution and concern, "I want to make it clear that none of you should engage in any conflicts with the Quileutes. Let's maintain peace and avoid unnecessary confrontations.

Isabel let out a weary sigh as she made her way back to the grand Salvatore Manor. The weight of her thoughts seemed to hang heavy in the air around her. She couldn't help but marvel at how Jasper, her companion of over 70 years, managed to endure the challenges that came with caring for newborns. The majority of her hybrids had a knack for driving her to the brink of madness, but there were two exceptions that she held dear in her heart - Lyanna and Nicolette.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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