Chapter 11

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Mom tried to convince Aleric to stay for a few more days, but he said he's already being mind-blown with ongoing streams of links from the Late Queen. She seems to be unable to put aside the urge to immediately meet me. So we stayed in the Golden Moon for only a week, the week in which I spent with my family.

I cooked, believe me, I actually cooked with mom! And the part that surprised me was that I wasn't that horrible cook. Although the stake was slightly charred, it tasted well enough.

In the 2 years I lived alone, I didn't really bothered cooking anything other than breakfast. I bought lunch at school and as for the dinner, I nearly always got meal delivered from near restaurant. Other times, I'd eat with my neighbor Emily. She is a kind, divorced woman. Her son, Tom used to remind me of my Kenny. I kinda miss them.

At times when dad and Aleric weren't off to do pack stuff, which was often, we played billiards or cards and even gambled too! Stealthily of course. Mom would've skinned us alive if she ever found out. But the risk was worth it, for me at least. I practically robbed him in daylight.

And with my Kenny, it was as mischievous and waggish as always. I tried to cover as much time we lost in the last years. He is just 7 and already the most cunning artful kid I've ever seen. And I grew up with Edward... I must admit, even I was not this zippy at this age.

We all went for running in the early morning hours together. I had never ran with a group before.

During the week I spent with my family, I felt free. Because, I was free. And I'll always be. The feeling is mutual for Hel too. She's never been let loose. I used to contain and restrict her actions and even mind at all times.

''Feeling bad now, huh?''

''It was a necessity for wolves among Humans.''

''So... do you?''

''...  Yes, I guess I do.''

''I knew it! Too late for apologies though!''


''I heard that!''

I really should block her away from my mind.

''Heard that too!''

''Augh!'' I block her away from my thoughts and leave her in the back of my mind. Leaving Hel noone except herself to tease is the best option I have right now.

I watch the passing scenary from the window of the Black Mercedes which Chaol, Aleric's gamma, is driving. Al told me that Chaol came along with him(as an unnecessary, extra guard according to him), because the future Beta (Prince Alexander, Aleric's younger brother) stayed to assist the Late King with the packswork while the King is away. Liam, the actual guard of the Royalty and delta is sitting next to Chaol. Aleric and I are on the backseats.

Golden Moon is in Canadian Boreal forest, so we flied from Ontario to Rocky Mountains in Colorado by private jet. Now we've been driving for more than half an hour now.

Even though, leaving my family behind aches me, I know it is needed. The Territory needs its King. And The King doesn't leave his Queen. Not after he finally found her. That's the words I got from Al when I asked if I could stay for longer. But he knows how much I love them and have already been away from them for so long.

And as the pack with newly-declared Alpha, pretty much stuff should be done in the Golden Moon. So he's been busy helping dad, almost doing all the Alpha stuff of the pack, insisting dad to spend more time with me. Besides, they can come to the Capital once everything is settled in the pack. Which means, the faster they sort things out, the sooner they can come to the Royal Pack. There we can spend more time together.

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