One Spark (What is Love? Part 2)

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"So what should we do now?" Kazuha asks. After an hour of nonstop talking about the Originals and The Royals. I think we are finally coming to a conclusion. "We should go to Chaewon, see what she has to say about this" Yunjin says, Sakura nods in agreement.

"And what if she doesn't talk?" I say. I doubt she would talk to us face to face. She's a Royal after all, she would have people do it for her. "We keep trying, We want her opinion, not the people who talk to the public for her, HER opinion" Yunjin answers. Ash is sitting beside me, staying quiet during this conversation.

"What if we break in?" Kazuha says. "No way, too risky. Chaewon would have us killed" Yunjin says. "So? We're tough enough" Kazuha argues. "It's way too risky" Yunjin argues back. "Can we just figure this out tomorrow, I'm too tired for this" Sakura says, ending the argument before it starts.

"I agree, I'm tired" Ash says, I stay quiet. "Alright fine, we can settle this tomorrow" Yunjin says. "So, Eunchae do you want us to leave or stay?" Kazuha asks. "You can stay, if Ash is okay with it" I say, glancing at Ash.

"Yeah, that's fine" She says, with a small smile. I smile too and they get settled. Ash walks towards the bedroom, I decide to follow behind.


I enter the bedroom, wiped from the day I just had. A few seconds later, Eunchae also comes in.

"Hey" I say, quietly. "Hey" she says back. "So..." I say quietly. "Um, are you okay? I felt like something was on your mind" She says, looking concerned.

If only she had known she was the one on my mind

"Yeah, I'm alright" I lied, hoping she doesn't notice. Eunchae sat down next to me and looked at me. "Listen, I understand if you are feeling something because of the situation that is happening" She says.

"What? No it's not the situation... It's something else" I admitted. "Oh, well do you mind telling me what's on your mind?" She asked, with a curious look on her face, wondering what is bothering me.

I don't say anything, instead I just look away, I couldn't say anything. How do you tell someone you just met that your In love with them? I didn't want her to hate me forever, or worse, break my heart.

"It's nothing important, I'm just feeling a little homesick" I say. Eunchae scoots closer to me and hugs me tightly, rubbing my back in a circular motion. "Hey, it's okay. Like I said you can go back and visit your family anytime you want" she says with a soft voice, reassuring me that everything will be fine.


The next morning, I woke up with Eunchae snuggled against me. I slowly got out of bed and went to the kitchen. Once I got there, I saw Yunjin and Kazuha talking. "Morning guys" I say, getting their attention. "Good morning" they both say, smiling at me. I smile back and sit on the couch, immediately going on my phone.

Sakura had come out the bathroom. She notices me and speaks. "Good Morning, Ash" she says, with a sweet smile. "Good Morning" I say back.

Even though I have always hated Vampires, I think after the party. It changed the way I thought about them. They are nice, and sweet, and kind. They act just like humans do.



I wake up a few hours later, to notice that Ash isn't in bed with me. I suddenly feel fear, like something bad happened to her. Wait a minute... Why do I feel something bad happened to her?

I quickly leave the bedroom to find Yunjin, Kazuha, Sakura and Ash all sitting around laughing and giggling with each other.

I take a deep breath, fill of relief. "There you are, I thought I lost you for a second" I say, smiling. Ash looks at me and smiles. "Nope, Kazuha was just telling us a story" she says. "That sounds like Zuha, she always has the best stories" I say.

"Now that Eunchae is awake, can we figure out the plan please" Yunjin says. "Yeah, we should probably do that" Sakura says, agreeing with Yunjin.

I take my seat next to Ash.


After a few hours of discussion, we finally all agree on a plan. But the only thing I want, is Ash to stay here. I don't want her get hurt due to Chaewon.

Why? Well, it's because I think I'm in love with her. And I think I have been since I met her...

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