Chapter 29 - An office call

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Goldman heard Ashley clearly, and he sat there, beaming with unshielded admiration at the surprised look on her beautiful face. Ashley asked again after a brief period during which she received no verbal response other than smiles. "Do you truly, by any chance, have any relationship with Goldman of Glass House?" Ashley asked as she gently swallowed the food in her mouth. "

Ashley's curious eyes widened, and he laughed at her pure curiosity about who he was. Ashley had a strong sense of self-awareness despite her surprised expression, in contrast to many other people he had met who became enthralled upon learning his identity.

He replied in a low whisper, "Yeah, I am the acclaimed Mister Goldman of Glass House," this time bending forward to face Ashley as he uttered each word.

"How so? Are you pulling my legs? If so, by now, I would have expected heads to be turning towards you."

"Perhaps nobody knows Mister Goldman so well out here in the streets. Isn't it? If the Glass House does not interest them, of what use is knowing Mister Goldman to them? Maybe Mister Goldman takes his privacy too seriously, which is why no one knows his appearance. Enough with the talk about me. What should I call you?"

"Ashley, I'm Ashley."

"Beautiful name it is. I believe you are not married. Are you?"

"Do I look married in any way?"

"Well, I will take that response as a no. It is usually not detected by physical appearance. But I would have been the unluckiest person ever if you were," Mister Goldman paused to get a breather before continuing.

"Nice to meet you, Ashley,'' he said, sliding a complimentary card across the table from his wallet.

He grinned broadly and said, "If you ever need anything from Glass House, call me. Let me take my leave now. Do call me during your rest time. I hope I will hear from you," he said, with his steady gaze on Ashley's face as he rose to leave.

"I hope I will not disappoint you, Mister Goldman."

"You can't call me Goldman. It sounds so serious. Carl will just be fine."

At this point, the soft melody of Ashley's ringtone distracted their attention; it was Nita calling.

"Let me not bore you further, Ashley; have a nice time," he stated, and then, without waiting longer for Ashley to react, he left.

As Ashley pressed the phone to her ears to answer the call, her gaze followed him. She found it strange that he did not return to take his order before leaving. She wondered if he could be lying about his identity. She had only read about Goldman in books but had never seen a picture or photo of what he looked like before. Goldman Carl, a young, wealthy man who built the first tourist glass house for the wealthy in Beaumont, earns more money from the glass house than any other tourist provider in Beaumont. Aside from that, people swear that he is one of the richest but most private fellas in Beaumont.

"Where are you?" Nita inquired from the other end of the phone call, her tone unenthusiastic.

"I am at Fernando OA. We agreed to hang out here, right?"

"I know. I am having a hard time finding you. Which spot are you at?"

"Our usual spot, Nita. You should have looked there first."

Ashley got to her feet, glanced excitedly in the direction of the entrance, and waved her hand as soon as she saw Nita. She was dressed brightly, as usual, and strutted confidently towards her like a superhighway model. It was always Nita doing the extra.

"You've been here for a long time. Your plate is almost clear. Why didn't you call or send a text? I almost forgot the time we planned for this," Nita said, her breath short and rapid, as if she had arrived in a hurry.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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