Chapter 9 - Fractured

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"Come on, Eddy, let's go get your favorite ice cream cake," Mister Ray said as he leaned down towards little Edmund, who was drawing in the sand. He extended his hand to Eddy, motioning for him to follow.
"But I don't know you. My mom said I can't go out with strangers." Eddy shook his head vehemently.
"I'm your dad. Have you forgotten? I first met you in the hospital when you were a tiny little human," Mr Ray stated confidently. Eddy stopped sketching and squinted at the light as it hit him, trying to get a better look at Mr. Ray.
"No, you are not my dad. Mom said you left us and travelled to heaven. And you will never return, because heaven is a better place. Or did you come back from heaven?" Eddy asked innocently.
"Did your mom say that?"
"Yes. Mom said that you are the one who sent me all the birthday cakes and that you have been sending us some money too. Is this true? If you were my dad, why did you travel to a better place without us? Leaving mom to fend for us all alone. But why did you travel for so long, Dad? Does mom know that you are back?"
"Come on, Eddy, let's go and meet your mom. We do not have much time left." Mister Ray reached for his hand and attempted to grab it.
Eddy shook his head once more and dodged his hand.
"Sorry, I can't go with you. Mommy will not be happy with me. And Ashley is already waiting to take me to the park."
"Eddy! I've told you not to talk to strangers. Leave him alone! Come on, Eddy, let's go," Ashley's voice yelled.
The above scene played out in Edmund's unconscious mind. Edmund's body lay unconscious on the hospital bed, his mind in a state of dreaming. As he subconsciously heard Ashley shout his name, he moved his hands slowly and opened his palms. He squinted as he slowly opened his eyes to let in just enough light. It was difficult for him to identify the face and the strange voice that was kindly calling his name.
"I need to call Richard. He must be worried that I have disappointed him," he begged the nurse standing beside him in the hospital bed.
"Hey, Edmund. Can you see my hands?"
"Ye-ah" Edmund responded tiredly.
"How many fingers do I have up?" the nurse asked, raising two fingers for Edmund to see.
"You have two fingers."
"How many are they now?" the nurse asked once more, raising the same number of fingers.
"Two still"
"All right. Do you remember what happened?"
"The, the the bus, it somersaulted. I was sitting on the bus, rushing to meet Richard so we could meet Mrs Livington together, so I hit my head and can't remember what else happened. Can you call Richard? He must be worried."
"I will do just that. But we need you to relax and know that you are safe in the hospital."
"Hospital? I'm all right. I shouldn't miss Mrs Livington's appointment. Let me go." Edmund tried to raise his back and moaned. His entire body ached.
"We will do just that as soon as the doctor confirms you can leave. Edmund, you're bruised all over, so please be calm while we tend to you. Meanwhile, I will call Richard. Who is Richard?"
"We live together. I also want to speak with my sister Ashley, but I don't want to tell her I'm in the hospital. She will be devastated."

* * *
Trevor could feel Ashley shivering in the car. Ashley was soaked in her own tears and this was making Trevor drive as fast as he could. He had so many questions in his head, but it was not the best time to ask. Ashley must be very close to her brother, he thought. As he approached the hospital's gate, he revved the engine to move faster. Ashley jumped out of the car before he could even turn off the engine in the parking lot. Trevor followed suit. They made their way to the waiting area. Ashley approached the first doctor she could lay her eyes on; he was walking briskly with a file in his hand.
"Excuse me, I am looking for my brother Edmund Ray. He is one of the bus accident victims," Ashley said in a voice that quivered.
"Nurse Evelyn, is there any Edmund Ray among the victims of the auto accident?" The doctor called the attention of the nurse.
"Yes. Wait here. Doctor Cole will see you shortly".
Ashley sank into a chair and kept weeping. She couldn't think of anything specific, but she was praying in her head that Edmund would be okay. Trevor sat beside her in his own thoughts. He wondered why he offered to drive Ashley to the hospital. Trevor assumed it was human nature to assist when people were in need, but deep down, he knew there was a soft spot developing in his heart for Ashley. He looked at her through the corners of his eyes, admiring her beauty even in her sad state. He instinctively extended his hand to Ashley, and she hesitantly opened hers. He gently squeezed her palm and whispered:
"Everything will be all right. Edmund will surely win this."
They held each other in the crowded waiting room, each lost in their own thoughts, oblivious to Doctor Cole's approach. Ashley jumped up as soon as she noticed the shadow hovering near them. Her heart began pounding once more. Doctor Cole extended his hand in greeting.
"Hi, I am Doctor Cole. I learned you have come to see your brother, Edmund," Doctor Cole asked, not directing the question to Ashley alone but to the duo.
"Yes," they chorused.
Doctor Cole nodded and continued speaking.
"Edmund was unconscious when he arrived at the hospital but is now conscious. He has bruises, but we are still running scans to see if there are any internal injuries and how severe they are. Based on his physical examination, it appears that he has a leg fracture. We'll have to wait for the scan to determine the extent of the fracture. He's still a little disoriented, but he can see and recognise people."
"All right. Thank you."
"For now, you must wait. Nurse Evelyn will call you in when he is ready to receive visitors. There is a more comfortable room where you can wait. Nurse Evelyn will direct you."
Ashley was still sweating a lot even in the cold, but she felt more at ease after hearing the doctor's news. Fear, anxiety, and exhaustion nearly overwhelmed her, but she was more relaxed.
"Trevor, I think you should go. I really do not want to keep you here. You have done enough already," Ashley went on to say.
Ashley, it's fine with me to wait until you meet Edmund. I will leave when you've met Edmund." Trevor reassured her as they made their way to the waiting room, side by side.
"I truly can't thank you enough, Trevor. It would have taken me many hours to get here if you didn't offer to drive me."

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