Chapter 21 - Uninvited

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Seemingly uninterested in the conversation between Trevor and Justin, Ashley sat inert in the back seat. Her mind was racing with ideas; the earlier event had made her feel as though her bones were brittle, and she was unable to determine whether it had been an accident, an unplanned event, or a deliberate plot by someone to follow her around. Her anxiety was evident from the way she clutched her bag tightly as if it might be snatched from her at any time.

The first person that came to her mind was Jimmy. She was aware that Jimmy exhibited psychotic tendencies prior to their breakup, but she never considered the possibility that he would decide to pursue her. She hadn't communicated with him in several weeks and ignored all of his messages. She considered the possibility that Jimmy might be the one behind it. She really did make a snap decision to end their relationship, but Ashley could see that he was abusive, and she didn't want to take any chances. Even though Jimmy had many wonderful qualities, he was a very conceited and haughty person who always enjoyed taking charge.

She let out a small sigh and moved her attention to Trevor's back view. Trevor had perfectly coiffed hair and glowing glass skin. His smile was infectious, and damn, she thought he was a 'beautiful' man. Trevor seemed to be a different breed of handsome man than the ones she'd always thought had their shoulders so high.

Trevor had to apply the brakes as he turned into Greensville's streets to avoid running over a young man who was jaywalking. Trevor's abrupt break took Ashley by surprise, and she stared confusedly to figure out what had happened. Justin was cursing in a loud voice.

"Stupid asshole! Get some sense!" Justin barked.

Trevor shook his head dejectedly as the young man kept walking without even stopping.

"How do people get away with this? It can never be in the city Boulevard. Ashley, is this what you all deal with?" Justin asked, turning around to get the attention of Ashley.

Ashley smiled, arching her lips and nodding in approval.

"We've got more psychos here, maybe," Ashley responded, taking no notice of the young man in question.

"With that attitude in Boulevard, he would be paying a fine all his life. Civility is far away from him." Justin concluded, shaking his head vigorously.

"Trevor, you can go ahead and drop Ashley off after you drop me off at the house. I need to catch up with Katie. It's been a while. I haven't asked her about her wedding preparations in a while."

Trevor grinned while giving him a sidelong glance. Even without him uttering a word, Justin knew what was going through his mind. That was a sure-bro code he exhibited there. Trevor nodded without saying anything. He dropped Justin and took Ashley to her residence.

"How has Edmund been? Hasn't he been discharged yet?"

"He is really doing well. He will be discharged tomorrow."

"That's interesting."

"We should probably give him a small surprise or something. What do you think?"

"That's really a brilliant idea, but at this time, with all the expenses so far, I would love to make it a light welcome."

Ashley thought it absurd that anyone would bring up a topic that would require spending money. Without realising it, Trevor was proposing a scheme that would bankrupt her.

"I believe he will stay with you for some time, right?" Trevor inquired.

"Yea. That would be best for him. I already called his workplace to let them know he would not be coming back."

"Honestly, I wasn't suggesting a surprise party because I wanted you to take care of it. The bills will be on me, so don't worry about them."

"You must be joking, right?" Ashley inquired while looking him in the face.

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