Chapter 18 - A befitting bride

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Trevor and Justin were in the VIP room of their favorite snooker house, playing snooker. Trevor's performance was quite impressive, and it seemed like he was in his final chance to kick Justin out completely. Trevor held the snooker cue above the spider rest, aiming to make a strong strike on the intervening ball to boot Justin out. With his beer in hand, Justin stood by the snooker table, watching Trevor's position with bated breath in the hopes that Trevor would fail this time. But it was looking increasingly likely that Trevor would win the wager they had made before the game began.

"You can't win this. This is weak positioning." Justin cleverly said this in the hopes that Trevor would consider changing his positioning.

Trevor ignored his diversion and kept playing, hitting the ideal blow to win Justin over with a smile. Disappointed, Justin just stood there and kept drinking his beer.

"I most definitely cannot accept your wager's terms. I'm not sponsoring any snowboarding," Justin affirmed. They had made a deal that the loser would pay for their planned snowboarding trip with friends.

"You are joking. We struck a deal, Justin." Trevor chuckled while Justin tightly squeezed his face in defeat.

"You are the billionaire's son, not me, Trevor. Maybe we could just do a 60-40."

"Every time we come to an agreement regarding money, why do you always try to back out? I'm just a billionaire's son working for a billionaire, Justin—I'm not a billionaire—but you? You're a successful, highly paid software engineer. Yet you treat me like I'm a billionaire every single time. Let this deal be a deal."

"There you go again. Always on the defensive, never willing to acknowledge your wealth. What's the difference when your father is a billionaire? Your bank account is literally screaming infinite figures."

Trevor laughed at Justin's hilarious statement. Even before the game began, he was certain that Justin, should he win, would never honor the agreement. Trevor always waved the deal after winning the game because Justin would always find ways to avoid fulfilling his own part of the deal. Trevor didn't mind anyway. He preferred Justin's habit of letting his feelings out rather than keeping them to himself when he wasn't comfortable with certain results. For Trevor, Justin's sly behaviour was just one of the small gestures that forged their close bond. There were moments when he relished Justin's immature demeanour, particularly his immature outbursts when Trevor prevailed in matches where his abilities were superior. He found Justin's ability to express himself freely and without hesitation to be his strength.

"You're sounding way too serious now, Justin. It's just a game, and as usual, it seems you have won the battle with your tactics. I'll go with the 60-40."

Justin let out a cheer.

"Sometimes you act like a child, Justin. Why do you never change? You always cheat me."

"Hey homeboy, I just know how to have things my way sometimes."

"You have an agreeable friend rather," Trevor interjected, "But why did you agree to the wager in the first place, then?"

With a sneer, Justin replied that it was only for fun. As he sipped his beer, Justin even offered Trevor a cheer in celebration, but Trevor just poured himself a beer and inhaled deeply, ignoring Justin's offer.

"Guess who I ran into the other day?" Justin asked excitedly.

"You know I suck at guessing, right?"

"All right. I was having a great afternoon meal at this fancy restaurant when I noticed this hot woman approach me and say "hi Justin" in the most beautiful voice I have ever heard. I was like, Whoa! Then I looked more closely and searched my mind over and over, and yes, her face rang a bell. It was your Venita girl, poised like a loaf of bread out of the oven. O la la! That girl is hot!"

"I never would have guessed that." Trevor reacted uninterested.

"That's your piece of cake, but I tell you she would make a fine queen figure in David's household. I can pay to watch the way she carries herself. Again, are you sure you don't want anything to do with her? Lady Rose will fall in love with her at first sight. She is everything Lady Rose has ever described as a befitting bride."

"How many times do I need to tell you that I really do not feel anything for her? She is far too desperate for my taste. The other day, she even had the audacity to call my office."

Justin laughed so hard that he nearly choked on some beer.

"That is completely unacceptable for a woman of her standing. How did she have the guts? She must be drunk in love. Love is an unpredictable force that can propel even the most rational human being to engage in strange and inappropriate behavior. But I am just curious. What does she really want from you? It was just a one-night thing, wasn't it?"

"It was just one night, and I was tipsy. I wonder why I didn't think about it before indulging in it. Her sudden obsession with me makes me feel she has ulterior motives."

"No, man. She's just some hot girl trying to get the attention of a hot guy called Trevor, who happens to be a billionaire's son. Moreover, how can the daughter of Arthur Kings be after wealth?"

"How would she even have that information? Through Tricia, maybe. But are they that close? And how do you know his father's worth?"

"I learned a bit more about her after she sat down, and we had a conversation over cups of coffee."

"Hmm. Venita's persona is inconsistent with both her outward appearance and her apparent origins. I don't mean to be patronizing to those from humble backgrounds, but given her exposure and physical characteristics, I don't think she should bother men."

"But what do you expect, man? You gave her the forbidden fruit, and now she wants more."

"Sometimes I just wish Ashley could give me a little of the same attention that Venita is pouring on me."

"I knew there was no way this conversation would have ended without you having to bring up Ashley. True, Ashley is a rare beauty and all that, but it seems to me that her standard would be verboten for your family."

"No one will dictate the standard of my bride. My love isn't discriminatory; you should know me well enough."

"Speak this truth to your relatives. A lot of people are watching you and are patiently waiting for you to make a mistake. Don't play that sick, genuine love card here with your family's wealth and affluence. Think man! You need someone like Venita who has the class and is obsessed with you, plus you have a bonus; she is hot!"

"Can we just stop this topic, please?"

"Whatever you say, man, I'm just being truthful. If you are genuinely in love with Ashley, stop building castles in the air and try your hardest to shield her from some of the unavoidable potential attackers she would get if she moves on with you. I mean, you can be good friends with her, have fun with her, and all that, but when it comes to marriage, you need to understand that it's serious business for your family."

"I really do not care much about that," Trevor stated.

"Deep down; you know you do not wish to break your parents' hearts. It's no big deal, Trevor. Just love a woman within their standard. That's all."

Trevor sat back on the snooker board and resumed his reflective beer-sipping. He was a little bit concerned because Ashley had suddenly stopped answering his messages and calls.

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