Chapter 25 - He Is The Son of Sterling David

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Edmund sat in the cab, oblivious to the surprise that awaited him. He was pleased that he persevered to the end after he witnessed the ugly ending of some of the hospitalized victims. He snapped out of his comfortable sitting position as the car got closer to Ashley's Street and looked through the car window to acquaint himself with the street's structures. Although he had visited Ashley's place a few times, he was unfamiliar with the surrounding area.
Edmund was astounded by the exquisite door decorations when the cab pulled up to Ashley's house. The front door was embellished with a variety of decorative elements. He was swept off his feet when he saw happy faces cheering and waiting anxiously for his arrival.
"Big Ash, what's going on here?" he asked.
"We organized a small surprise for you."
"How were you able to pull this off? I don't believe you, Ashley."
"Well, practically not my doing. This was Trevor's idea, and he took care of everything."
Nita and Richard approached him cheerfully, handing him a bouquet and iced cakes, respectively.
"Good to see you again, Edmund," Nita said as she started to take their bags out of the cab.
"Hey man, I missed your presence in the house," voiced Richard.
Edmund laughed at the statement because Richard had always been a headstrong friend who would never admit to missing him, no matter how long he was gone. But it was obvious that Richard meant his words. Richard became emotional and reached out to hug him. A few more of the guests came up to greet him and give him hugs. When he saw some of his Teracut coworkers, he couldn't stop grinning.
He also couldn't help but smile as he entered the small sitting room. He was impressed with the tasteful extravagance and imaginative touches used in the décor. His smile became wider with every step into the house. Even though it was paid for, he could not help but wonder how Ashley managed to pull it off all by herself.
"Did you do this by yourself, Ashley? You rocked the color scheme; I had no idea you had such creative eyes," Edmund teased Ashley.
"You're right. We employed people to do it to meet the high taste of an artist like you."
"Aha, I thought as much. But I am grateful, whichever way this came. I must see Trevor and especially thank him. Have you called him yet?"
"Yes, I just called him. He should be here soon," Ashley responded.
"Interesting. I feel like I am walking on air. At this rate, my recuperation here would be at the speed of light. I already feel many times better with this welcome."
Nita took Ashley by the hand as she turned to go into the kitchen and began speaking softly.
"Come on, I need to know what's going on between you and that new guy, Trevor." Nita carefully dragged Ashley until they reached the room.
"Easy, Nita. It's not what you think."

To give them more privacy, Nita slammed the door after successfully dragging her inside.
"A minute you're crying that you are broke, the next minute you are throwing Edmund a welcome party? You need to explain this to make sense."
"I told you before that Trevor took care of this."
"No strings attached? Is there something you are not telling me?"
"There is nothing I have not told you. We are just getting to know each other."
"Getting to know each other, yet he throws a party, not for you but for your brother? It doesn't make sense to me. Have you seen the ranking of the event planner? Second-ranked event planner in Beaumont. How does he afford all of this if he isn't a billionaire?"
"You need to calm down. I think his family is wealthy."
"No. They must be filthy rich for him to waste money like this."
"Well, whatever. He ought to be living in a billionaire's row and avoiding social interactions with commoners like us if they were that wealthy."
"Whatever? This would mean that you need to make this work. Maybe he is the breakthrough you've been waiting for," Nita said, giving Ashley a gentle nudge. 
"I am not waiting for any miracle man to give me a breakthrough. You should know me better."
"Come off it, Ashley. This is the type of man that people are praying for, and you now have him within your grasp, and you don't want to pass up the opportunity."
"Stop building castles in the air, Nita. This is not a Cinderella story. I must face my fears before thinking about winning such a dream man."
"I'm curious as to how much you know about him."
"Nothing, Nita. I am not even sure of what he does for a living."
"You baffle me, Ashley. Yes, I know your insecurities, but why not take this more seriously? Take it as your fifty-fifty chance to even get a sponsor for your surgery. For goodness's sake, take risks. This guy seems to have a lot of money that he would spend casually. I promise you it will be worth it in the end," Nita said persuasively.
"Don't worry, I will find out who he truly is. You don't even need to worry about a thing; trust me on this," Nita added.
"Don't try anything stupid, Nita. I just want us to grow on each other if this will work, which I doubt. I don't even know what he wants, honestly. We are taking things slowly. And I told you I don't want to get into anybody's bad books. It seems Tricia has her reservations about us too."
"Damn whatever anyone has to say. Live your life."
"Nita, people are out there waiting for us."
"People? Mike, Richard, Mr Bradson, who else? I can count them, you know. Stop saying people as if you have a crowd of guests in your house."
"What I mean is that we can still talk about this later; this is not the right time. Let me get Edmund settled in first."
"Hey girl, I just want the best for you; you deserve the best. Anytime you want in, let me know."
"Yeah, thanks. Can I go now?"
"Sure. And I can't wait to meet this Trevor guy."
"Nita, don't talk too much when you meet him."
"Fine, I promise I won't," Nita reassured.
They both left the room to join the others in the small sitting room, where they were laughing and chatting. Edmund had been bursting with delight since he came home. He hasn't stopped talking since, and Ashley is worried about how it will affect him later.
"Eddy, let me take you to your room. Don't you think you need some rest? You are talking too much, and you may exhaust yourself. Remember, you are still recuperating."
Edmund turned to face Ashley and giggled.
"I will have enough time to rest later in the day. Let me have some fun. I am anxious to meet Trevor. Have you told him yet?"
"For the umpteenth time, I have told him you are back."
"I can't wait to see him then."
There was more than enough food, drink, and joy. Edmund was bloated from too much eating. He couldn't contain his joy. Nita's boyfriend, Mike, whom Ashley always described as a well-reserved man, was sitting on the couch eating some chocolate cake as he nodded his head gently to the soft music that filled the room. Ashley cherished the way he complemented Nita's outgoing and hectic lifestyle. Mike worked as a professor at Nita's university, and he exuded nerdiness in every way. Except for his moments of teaching, he would be considered a man of few words. His glasses stood out in his face, giving the impression that he was smart and quiet, as many people believe bespectacled people are.
The doorbell rang, and Richard opened it. Trevor came into Ashley's house and smiled at the new faces he saw. It was the first time he had ever entered the tiny home. Ashley's home looked so different from the opulent homes he had been used to visiting all his life. He knew he had a lot of catching up to do. Edmund sprang up from the couch to greet Trevor. Trevor motioned for him to wait as he hurriedly approached him.
"Edmund, you look stronger than ever. I came as soon as I heard you had arrived," Trevor uttered and stared at him as if he wanted to use his eyes to gauge his level of health. Edmund hugged him and whispered a thank-you into his ears.
"We didn't have time to plan something more elaborate. Half bread is better than none, they say," Trevor responded.
"No. This is brilliant, and I don't know another plan that would have been better than this. I am overwhelmed, and words won't be enough to express my feelings. I never expected this in any way."
"Welcome, Edmund."
Ashley waited for them to conclude their small talk while she stood by the couch. Ashley nodded as Nita gave her a gentle prod to ensure that it was indeed Trevor.
"Hi, Ashley. What's up?"
"Trevor, I am exhausted," Ashley gave an exhausted yawn. Nita clung to Ashley as a reminder that she shouldn't forget to introduce her to Trevor.
"Nita, meet Trevor and Trevor; this is my best friend, Nita."
"You look like an illusory prince. Ashley has told me about you so many times that my ears hurt," said Nita, admiring Trevor with her eyes over and over again. She was astounded by his striking good looks, youthful appearance, and rare brand of handsomeness.
"I have heard so many interesting things about you from Ashley too, and she swears you are the smartest woman she knows," Trevor uttered.
"Don't flatter me now."
"Seriously, I have heard a lot about you, and it's nice to meet you today," Trevor assured.
"Nice to meet you too. And this is my boyfriend, Mike," Nita proclaimed as Mike approached them.
Mike joined them and introduced himself to Trevor.
"Mike Lawson, professor at George University."
"I have heard how helpful you have been to Ashley since Edmund was hospitalized." Mike chipped in.
"It's nothing."
Even after Trevor and Ashley had left, Mike kept a thoughtful gaze at them. He had an air of familiarity that made Mike feel as though he had seen him somewhere before.
"Are you all right, baby?" Nita asked with concern.
"Yes. He looks so familiar, and I can't remember where I met him before."
"Really?" Nita asked inquisitively.
"Yea. He looks like someone I knew from Collegiate University when I was a research assistant."
"You would have asked."
"Before I ask, I want to make sure I don't remember."
"Okay. I know you will remember. You hardly forget people you have met before."
"I think I remember now. He looks like the son of Sterling David."
"Who is that?"
"I think he is the son of Sterling David," Mike replied.
"But you just said that," Nita reminded him.
"I know," Mike responded absent-mindedly as he continued to stare in Trevor's direction.

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