Chapter 20

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Becky's POV

He shook his head in disagreement leting out a small Strang chuckle. "come to your senses Becky, you can never really be together with Freen, she is a tycoon and you are just you. Most of those tycoons only get married to women from rich family so as to strengthen their business. Are you trying to say you really thought that you did had a chance?."

He laughed dryly and added "oh woman, you really do have a lot of thinking to do. Why don't u ask her about Heidi? The girl Iam sure her parents wants her to marry".

I stood there unable to move, the shock that zapped through me had block all the doors in my brain, so I couldn't think at all.

I stood there staring at him as if he had just landed from another planet. I couldn't even tell exactly what I was feeling at that very moment. I was just numb, drained, dead. I felt Nop shook me to snap me out of my mini panic attack.

"Leave" I shot out dismissively pushing him towards the door and not giving him a chance to argue.

I slamped the door shut when I got him out and broke down crying. I must admit that his words had hit the nail right on the head. I have always had this fears, doubts and just something I couldn't name and hearing it from someone else had hit me right on my nerves.

A piercing cry tore out of my throat as I fell on my bed, called Irin and told her everything. She was the only one I could talk to, and sure she would always find a way to get me out. She consoled me and told me not to worry much that all will be well...


I had to get to work the next day, but I was too weak to help myself up. I lay back in bed feeling the world spin around. I felt so weak and beaten.

With all the strength I had in me, I got up and sluggishly got ready for work. The moment I opened the door. I found Nop standing there. It was like he had been waiting for me to open the door.

"Hi Iam sorry for coming over without notice. I just wanted to check up on you and see if you are alright". He calmly said to me.

I looked up at him for sometime before replying. "Am fine, thank you". I stood up there looking at him. I must admit that he looked very handsome.

I was practically gawking at him and he knew it from all indication by the way he flashed me one of his smiles making me melt right there.

I didn't know that I had zoned out until he waved his hands in front of me to get my attention and I gasped realizing that I was directly staring at him and he had caught me red-handed.

"Are you going to keep standing there or are you going to work?" he asked amusingly and I walked past him to avoid more embarrassment.

"Hey wait up. you don't look good, let me drop you over please" he kindly offered and I agreed to it.

I sat in the car in utmost silence with my eyes closed, feeling hot tears burning in them. I inhaled and exhaled briskly. My heart was hurting and I know it but yet Iam still going with what I have planned.

I'm going to stay away from Freen from now on it's better to get hurt now than in the future when I have all hope. Nop is right, things might not turn out the way I want, maybe I should just start afresh with him since he had confessed his feelings for me.

I kept thinking nonstop and my head with my heart were hurting in the process. We were at the company drive way before I knew it. Nop was already Park the car when I opened my eyes and came out of the car weakly.


Author's POV

Freen was in her office standing by the window, watching out and thinking of all the reasons to why Becky was not in the office by this time of the day.

She had tried her number but it wasn't reachable and as much as she was worried she didn't want to overreact and decided to wait until a specific time before going after her if she still wasn't present.

Just when she was about to make up her mind. She sighted Nop car parking at the car parking lot. "What is he doing. ". She stopped mid-sentence when she saw Becky coming out of the car.

She narrowed her eyes suspiciously feeling her anger rise more than the boiling of melted molten in a volcano. "Is she cheating on me?" She asked herself as she stormed out of her office.

- Your innocent author P.D

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