𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟑

347 18 34

As you stood in front of the mirror, you studied your body for the first time in almost two weeks, and your eyes laid on your thin waist, the hipbones that were clearly discernible and your ribs that were showing underneath your breasts. You must have really lost a lot of weight, even if it didn't feel like it.

You shrugged it off and figured that the sooner you filled your stomach with the soup, the better it would be for your body.

As you were devouring your soup, your eyes were admiring Nanami's room. You took in every detail, the decor he used was minimal, yet it seemed to have a purpose and everything was organized and neatly placed on the spot it belonged. The bedsheets were made – smoothed out, so that no crevice could be seen. The books on the shelves were sorted by the color of their cover and pushed back so that each and every one of them had the same width.

That man really seemed to have a thing for tidiness.

You were astonished by the amount of books he had in his room, even though the library was right next door and after you took the last spoonful of soup, you got up and ran your fingers over the edges of the books.

Turning around, your damp hair was sticking to your face and dripping down onto the new cardigan you got. As you strolled through the room, you heard low chatter from outside the open door to Nanami's room.

There was a female voice – Shoko – and she was bantering with Gojo but you weren't able to make out what they were discussing about, though.

Now was the perfect chance to properly thank both of them for what they did – even if you had done so to Gojo already. It was just generosity from Shoko that she had let you borrow some clothes from her once more.

You stepped out the door and both of their heads turned into your direction with their mouths agape, stopping their conversation halfway apparently. A few feet away from them, you came to a stand and looked at Shoko first, opening your arms for a hug.

"Thank you for helping me out again. Let me know how and when I can return the favor." you smiled, releasing her from your arms as you spotted her baffled expression. "No problem." she stammered, changing from bewildered to pleasantly surprised regarding your frankness.

You turned to Gojo, who was just standing awkwardly beside you, putting on the friendliest smile you could manage towards him. "And thank you too – really." With a small smile remaining, you turned around to get back into Nanami's room – both were rooted on the spot as they watched you walk back again.

Nanami didn't return for a while and because you didn't have anything to do, you sat down on the desk chair in the library and buried yourself in a book about curses. Somewhere throughout the rest of the day, you must have fallen asleep with your head on the table, the book right beside it.

You were still sleeping soundly when Nanami entered the room in the evening, a bottle of Hibiki harmony whiskey in his hand and two glasses in the other when he spotted you, slumped down on the chair. It was still raining outside and no voice could be heard – neither in the hallways, nor in the rooms that surrounded Nanami's. It was dead silent, only the raindrops prickling on the glass were creating the white noise the room was coated in.

He turned on the desk lamp and nudged your shoulder lightly. Once, twice and a third time. All you did was just move your head to the other side and shift your position away from him. His lips curled up, a small smile fading as he studied you, peacefully resting on his desk once again.

Pulling over the second chair, he brushed the hair out of your face gently and leaned over to you.

"Hey, y/n." he whispered lowly to your ear, his hot breath fanning your cheek. His fingers trailed the loose hairs down your neck and he lightly touched your shoulder. Suddenly, you startled awake at the unusual feeling on your body – You jumped back, your eyes shot open and you stared at him like a deer in headlights.

𝑚 𝑒 𝑡 𝑎 𝑛 𝑜 𝑖 𝑎 // JJK x readerWhere stories live. Discover now