𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

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Tick – Tack – Tick – Tack – Tick – Tack – Tick....

The light ticking of the clock on the wall was weighing out the silence that lingered in the dim lit room, quiet breathing could be heard all around you as you stared at the board. You tapped your fingers on your lips, deep in thought about all the possibilities.

Slow fingers move the game piece your way and your eyes widen at the realization that this would be his last move. Your lips curl up into a mischievous grin as your eyes travel up to a questioning expression on his scarred face.

He reaches out with his hand but pulls back right after, contemplating about the outcome as his eyes meet yours and he's met with the blankest pokerface anyone could imagine. "Are you done?", you nonchalantly ask him, crossing your legs and resting your chin on your knuckles.

You already celebrated your victory, cheering and dancing on the inside as you waited for him to respond.

His subtle nod was accompanied by leaning back and pulling one leg up on the seating of the couch to sit comfortably.

A slightly unsettling smirk decorates your face as you bite down on your bottom lip in amusement, your eyes glimmering with excitement while you move your game piece. Your smile widens as soon as you see the realization sink in and his neutral expression turns into a frown, your eyes meeting his again.

"HAH! I told you I'd win! NOW WHAT DO YOU SAY, MA-HI-TOE?", you cheekily sing, jumping up from your seat with ecstatic skips toward his seated figure on the sofa, sinking into the cushions more and more.

"Ugh... Oh my god, y/n. STOP IT!" Mahito slides over to the other side of the couch as you plop down and inch closer to him. "OH MY GOD... UGH... STOP IT...", you mock him, silently giggling as your fingers grab a strand of his hair, slipping off his hair tie.

Right next to you, the cushions sink in, and you feel a hand wrapping around your waist softly, caressing the skin that was showing. "I told you, you'd lose.", Choso comments to Mahito before planting a small kiss to your cheek.

"She cheated!", Mahito scoffs, trying to slap your hands off and refrain you from touching his hair forcefully. An audible gasp leaves your lips as you grab his wrists and pin them behind his back, leaning over his shoulder, so close that your lips almost touch his ear.

"Oh, did I? You whiny little crybaby.", you taunt, "YOU LOST. No need to lie, now shut up and let me braid your hair, dumbass." You could almost feel Mahito rolling his eyes as he obliged and crossed his arms on his chest, even if his back was turned to you.

The door to the room clicked open and Kenjaku strode in with swift steps, letting himself down on the chair at the far back of the room. "Now that's something I didn't plan on seeing today.", he smirked as he jerked his chin toward you, who was now gently braiding Mahito's hair in two pigtails. Mahito clicked his tongue in embarrassment and rubbed his face, already hoping for you to finish his punishment as soon as possible.

Kenjaku chuckled at your pleased expression, putting one strand of hair over another, humming a quiet tune in amusement. You could feel Choso's fingers still tracing idle circles on the skin of your back as he sat beside you, casually reading something on his phone. He wasn't really paying attention to Kenjaku as he entered the room, so he startled awake when he cleared his throat.

"So," Kenjaku began talking, straight-faced, "Tomorrow, you and Mahito will go to retrieve one of the fingers from the Jujutsu High School." His eyes switched between your annoyed expression and Mahito's, who was just about to jump in excitement. Your brows furrowed, and your cheeky smile turned into a frown as you sighed and slid back to face Kenjaku fully now.

"Why me?", you complained, rolling your eyes in annoyance, "It's our anniversary tomorrow – and you know that." Kenjaku waved his hand, mumbling some kind of utter nonsense excuse when Mahito turned back to you with a quizzical smile plastered on his face.

"Aww, at least you get to spend the day with your best friend, right?" He laughed but got interrupted instantly by your hand slapping the back of his head. "Fuck off.", you scowled, glaring at him with disapproval clearly etched on your face.

His eyes widened, rubbing the hurt spot as he screeched in pain. "OUCH! Why do I deserve this?"-"Just because. You're an asshole and you deserve much more. Be grateful I didn't cut open your throat."

Sliding back once more, your back hit Choso's chest as his arms wrapped around your waist and you relaxed into his embrace leaning against him.

"You can spend the rest of today however you want, though. Do your anniversary things today." Kenjaku mumbled as he closed the door behind him, leaving you and Choso behind while Mahito rushed over to squeeze through the closing door as well, still rubbing his head from your hit.  

You sighed as you looked up at Choso's face, admiring the gentle touches and his tight hug he pulled you into. "What do you want to do to celebrate?" You broke the silence, but were met with a soft smile on his lips, his eyes glistening as he studied your face, every line and every subtle expression.

"You decide, sweetheart. You have to escort that madman tomorrow, so at least today – The choice is fully yours.", he whispered against your cheek, the feeling of his lips against your skin still making you blush. Even after two years, his touch still sent shivers down your spine and his kisses made your heart skip a beat.

His fingers brushed against your forearm, up until he met your hand, intertwining them and squeezing gently. Once, twice. That means 'I love you'. You both came to an agreement after you had a bad throat infection and you couldn't talk for a while, that two squeezes are the equivalent to 'I love you'.

You closed your eyes, savoring his touch and his closeness as a smile curled your lips and you sat up, placing your lips on his, a small kiss to return his feelings. "Love you more.", you breathed against his cheek, and gently kissed him again as you could clearly feel how flustered he was getting.

"Let's just cook something together. Dinner, a walk and a movie?", you suggested, tilting your head slightly. "Sounds like a dream, my love." He beamed with admiration as he stood up and wanted to get going, but you wouldn't let him go and wrapped your whole body around his, pinning him down again.

He turned you around to sit on his lap, gently grabbing your butt with a sly smirk on his face as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Your lips met his again, a little more desperate than before but he suddenly stood up nonetheless, picking you up with him. You pulled away in shock with your mouth hanging open and a small gasp leaving you speechless.

Carrying you out the room, you snuggled up to him with your legs now snaked around his waist too but your expression turned provoking as you turned to face him again.

"I'm already looking forward to the dessert..." Your glance met his, but only a questioning expression was his response. "What do you have in mind for dessert?", he nonchalantly asked you while opening the door with his foot.


He looked at you wide-eyed as a flush crept up on his cheeks and your small giggle made his heart pound against his chest.

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