𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟐

330 15 13

"It's okay, but...," Nanami eyed your body closely, "What happened?" He glanced at your dirty and scratched knees and the muddy spots on your shorts, then his sight rested on your thin waist. "You need to eat something. And a hot shower."

You were flattered by his words, and you were just now thinking about how Gojo also asked you when the last time was that you ate. Did you lose that much weight in a week or two?

You didn't have a mirror, and that was probably good since you must have really looked like a feral animal – dirty and stinky. Maybe Gojo wasn't wrong after all, but still, his approach was more than improvable.

Nanami offered his arm and you hooked yours into it eagerly as he guided you through the hallway, down to his room at the far back – right beside the library. "Oh, so that's why you stay up so late. Quite tempting to have the opportunity to read at any time of the night." you chuckled, your eyelids getting heavier the longer you felt his warmth around your arm.

"Ah, you got me there." he flashed you a lazy smirk as he closed the door behind him. You didn't even notice that he was already in his dress shirt and pants, ready for work. You wondered, though, if he was going to work outside in the pouring rain, or if he was just having another 'office day' in the library next door. "You can shower and do everything you need to. I'm going to get some clothes from Shoko and something to eat."

He was gesturing to the door to the bathroom as you stood in the middle of the room and he averted his gaze towards you again. "Thank you – but you don't need to. I'll just shower and then I'll head to principal Yaga. Do you know where I can find him?" You studied his expression, stern but still concerned somehow, and a small smile curled his lips as his eyes met yours.

You were so thankful for his hospitality, but you felt guilty letting him get things for you even though he didn't know anything about you. His features were looking softer now that the gloomy light shone through the window and he wasn't illuminated from the harsh lamp in the library.

"Don't worry. I'll take you there after you had a good meal and a hot shower." You couldn't comprehend his kindness towards you, but you were grateful for meeting such a gentleman and that he offered to take care of you.

You didn't even care what happened to Gojo, and you didn't want to see him anyway. Nanami nodded, and exited the room silently as you opened the door to the bathroom and the scent of his body wash was still hanging in the air. He must have taken a shower earlier when you were still with Gojo.

The only thing that was occupying your thoughts, was pinpointing the different notes of this scent in your mind because whatever this was – it smelled unbelievably good. It was woody, smoky but somehow underlined with a silky fragrance, gentle but still strong. It suited him.

Pulling off your tank top and letting your shorts slide off, you stripped you off your underwear and stepped into the shower. The hot water was truly godsent in that moment – You enjoyed every drop that ran through your hair, down your body and dripped onto your legs.

The steam that surrounded you made it almost impossible to see, but you knew you had to wash your body at some point and you couldn't stand under the shower forever, savoring the warmth. You examined the shelf beside the shower and the only things on there were a foaming gel and some kind of shampoo.


Ah, that's why it smelled so good.

You knew that brand but you never wanted to spend so much money on things that would go to waste eventually, but it seemed like he was man of class through and through. He was well-read, polite and obviously knew what he wanted to spend his money on.

Like buying a body wash for almost ¥ 2,000.

Shaking your head, you reached over to the sink for the soap bar that was laying there and continued to scrub every little piece of skin squeaky clean. After another few minutes you were fully emerged in foam.

Two knocks interrupted you from your fully immersive cleaning experience and you answered with a short 'Yes?' as you peeked your head out the shower.

Your gaze changed from relaxed to annoyed really quick when you spotted Gojo's white hair sticking through the doorway. "You told me I stink and now you have the audacity to appear AGAIN? Where's Nanami?"

Stepping back and shampooing your hair once again, you didn't do so much as glance at him when he continued talking nonetheless, not even acknowledging your snarky remark.

"I talked to grandpa Yaga – He is okay with you staying here as long as you agree to support us when we're out and about." He stepped inside the fogged-up bathroom and your head shot around, narrowing your eyes at his sudden advances to help you stay there.

"How come I have the unexpected honor of you actually helping me instead of insulting me?" you snapped – even though you were really thankful that you didn't have to do this on your own. That would have taken a lot of effort to explain why you were even there.

Wait – Did he...

"WAIT –" you stepped out the shower, foam still on your hair and covering your private parts, " – did you tell him the whole stor-" His gaze was roaming your body, his blue eyes sparking with joy as he studied your wet and foamy figure right in front of him. "Nah, don't worry." he shortly responded, as he thought about locking the bathroom door behind him.

You had no idea what his intentions were, you thought he was just being Gojo – but what really went through his mind was definitely nothing he imagined before, at least with you. And it was definitely X-rated.

He bit his lip, while you were just staring at him as the foam slowly slid down your body. It travelled down your breasts, your bare stomach and when there was only such a small hint covering your nipples, he took it as his sign to leave. 

You were never ashamed of your body, or being naked - you knew you weren't ugly.

Many men had told you before that they loved your body, and you were self confident but now that you had lost some weight, you didn't even want to look into the mirror to see how severe the difference it really was.

"Yeah, uhm... thank you or whatever..." you mumbled, getting back into the shower to rinse off and Gojo rushed outside, completely overlooking Nanami – who just entered the room with some of Shoko's clothes, a coffee and a bowl of soup for you.

"Where are you goi-" Nanami couldn't even finish his sentence when Gojo slammed the door shut behind him, almost running through the long hallway in front of him.  

As soon as you heard the knock, you instantly rolled your eyes. "GO AWAY!" you yelled, massaging your scalp and pressing your eyes shut.

"It's me." Nanami responded calmly, opening the door ever so slightly when the steam hit him right into his face as if opening a baking oven.

"OH shit - I'm so sorry, Nanami!" you apologized, got out and grabbed the towel from the sink to cover yourself up. 

"You can wear the clothes on the bed and I prepared some soup and a coffee for you." A small smile graced his lips and you mirrored him, thanking him several times as he retreated back, closing the wooden door with a click.  

𝑚 𝑒 𝑡 𝑎 𝑛 𝑜 𝑖 𝑎 // JJK x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon