𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕

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You kicked away the box, out of their reach and Yuji looked even more baffled than before when he heard the wood slide across the dirt. He looked at it, at a loss of words, then back to you. "Did you steal that?" he muttered, and his brows pinched together in confusion. His lips parted slightly in shock of your lies that he now knew were only a farce.

"Don't you dare." Your eyes switched to Mahito, who was still kneeling above the pink haired boy. He just hummed in response and his grin widened, but Yuji somehow took the chance, landing a shattering hit on his jaw, trying to wriggle out of his grip. 

As his hand reached over to take the box you closed your eyes and whispered, only for yourself to hear.







Shit. Too late.

Your eyes set on the box as it slid out of the neckline of your wrapped Kimono and your fingers grasp it just in time for it not to hit the dirty ground beneath you. But it was already too late, Yuji saw what it was - and knew instantly that you stole it from their library. 

With your fingers gripping on the worn wooden outside, he yanked up his hand hitting your wrist so hard that the box flew out of reach for all of you.

All the eyes instantly went to the place the cursed object landed and your feet already started running towards it, without even thinking for one second as you heard a manic laugh and a horrible cracking sound from the people behind you. 

Snapping your head around in fear, you saw blood already leaking from Yuji's jaw and Mahito still in his earlier spot above him.

"Let's go." you mumbled, grabbing the box again and walking over to Mahito with swift steps. "Oh no, no...," Mahito laughed, "I'm going to teach that boy a lesson. That could be fun!" 

He erupted into roaring laughter as Yuji opened his eyes, scoffed and tried to stand up again, but failed miserably under Mahito's weight.

The pain that shot through his skull at the impact of Mahito's fist was still radiating in his whole upper body as he swung his legs around his waist and rolled over. He was on top of him but Mahito already planned that comeback and slithered around him in a puddle, taking form again in a standing position behind him. 

"Sneaky!" he cheered as he clapped his hands, walking up to Yuji's bewildered face a few feet away.

With a rush of cold air fleeting between them you suddenly stood there, blocking Mahito's way to the boy. "Let's. go." you hissed, determined not to bother even moving an inch away from your spot. "Oh, come on! You're no fun - Just a few more minutes, please?"-"No. We have what we wanted. Now go." you pressed out, narrowing your eyes at his appearing frown.

Nobody expected Yuji to be on his feet again in that short amount of time, but you didn't pay attention to him and you felt a hand around your wrist, twisting your arm around your back and the box vanished out of your hold. 

He took it, he just took the box from you, outplaying you in speed already. Why was he so fast? You didn't even see that coming - didn't even sense it coming either.

Your head turned to him, baffled at his swiftness and strength, still holding your wrist behind your back though you had to be much stronger than him. "Why did you steal that?" Yuji frowned, pressing the box to his chest as he spoke to you, sadness leeching through his words. 

"Give it back and we won't bother you anymore." you grumbled in a serious tone, but he didn't let go of you, not even a little bit.

The item in his hands slid down to his stomach, your eyes widening at the sight of Mahito's hand getting longer and longer, slithering around your body. 

His fingers formed into a fist and shattered through the wooden box, right into Yuji's stomach. The sheer force that hit him made him fly back a few feet, and he stumbled to stand without hitting the ground.

He panted as he changed into a fighting position, his fists now raised up toward Mahito, who was already running up to target another hit at Yuji's body. Your wrists were now free, and as soon as you realized you were able to move again, your eyes darted over to the wrapped finger that lay on the ground just a few inches away. 

Leaping forward, you snatched the finger off the dirty gravel and run to Mahito, who was still getting his way with the boy.

At the exact moment you arrived at Mahito's side, you grabbed his shirt, yanked him back two steps and stared him down, a piercing gaze through his different colored eyes. "GO." you yell, pulling him behind you as you ran, and ran to get out of the way - just out to the woods and away from the school.

You stumbled over your own feet, cursing yourself for your own clumsiness when you fell down, your knees scraping on the dirty ground as your Kimono ripped apart and you hissed at the pain.

Another laugh from Mahito as he continued running away, and you threw the finger as wide as you could from your crouched position.

It didn't really fly with ease, more so it landed on the grass just in front of the beginning of the woods and you closed your eyes, just for a moment, just to catch your breath. 

But your peaceful rest was not for long, Mahito saw what your plan was and turned around instantly, only to be met with Yuji, standing in front of him, holding Sukuna's finger between his own.

"Argh...," you panted, trying to rest on your elbows and finally get up again, your feet stumbling with every step as you went over to them. 

In an instant, Mahito had pushed Yuji over again, Sukuna's finger now placed in the palm of his hand and his fingers gripped it tightly as Mahito swung his fist again. 

And again. 

Then spikes. Piercing through that young boy's body.

You had seen that enough times to know that this wouldn't end well. That poor boy was going to be tortured until he died. Mahito was the one enjoying it, humiliating him, putting him in pain no normal person was able to endure, but still - he could still open his eyes somehow.

Suddenly, his body went limp and the fingers around the cursed object began to loosen.

Yuji's eyes drooped and his eyelids began to close as Mahito's attacks didn't want to stop once he fell unconscious. Then there was this second, that seemed that time had stopped, and a parting mouth appeared on the inside of the boy's hand.

"Hmmm... I was waiting for that one."

A deep growling voice sounded from inside Yuji's body, as the tongue of the weird mouth slipped out and swallowed the finger. The full finger in one go. Just eaten by the palm of his hand. How could that be?

Was he...

...Sukuna's vessel? 

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