Thank you

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Hello, this is Aci (Junelection), the writer behind  'My Pretty Woman'. I sincerely hope that you have all enjoyed the journey of our Sugar couple and found joy in their fictional world.

Reflecting on my writing journey, it brings me both sadness and gratitude to see it come to an end. Since I began crafting this tale back in 2015, it has been a constant companion in my life. Each chapter, each scene, has been a labor of love, and I poured my heart and soul into every word.

At first, the words flowed easily, and the story unfolded effortlessly. But as time passed, I grew, both as a writer and as a person. I learned valuable lessons about life, love, and the power of storytelling. With each lesson learned, my expectations for the story grew higher, and I found myself investing more time in research and revision.

Life, too, became busier, and the demands of daily life often left me with little time for writing. While in the past I could write and share a chapter within days, now it takes me weeks to complete a single chapter. To those of you who have patiently awaited updates, I offer my sincerest apologies. Your unwavering support has meant the world to me.

Recently, a chance encounter with an old friend reignited my passion for writing. Their simple question—"Do you still write?"—reminded me of the joy and fulfillment that writing brings into my life. It was a wake-up call, a reminder of why I began this journey in the first place.

And so, despite the busyness and chaos of life, I have made the decision to continue writing. I am committed to finishing this story, to giving our beloved characters the ending they deserve. 

I may need to take some time to proofread and polish the earlier chapters of "My Pretty Woman," but rest assured, the storyline will remain unchanged.

To each and every one of you who has followed along on this journey, I offer my deepest thanks. Your support, your feedback, and your encouragement have meant more to me than words can express. Though I may not be able to thank you all personally here, I promise to respond to each comment with heartfelt gratitude.

And also, if you have enjoyed my writing style and found value in the stories I have shared, I humbly ask for your support in my next project. Your encouragement and enthusiasm mean the world to me, and your continued support will fuel my passion for storytelling.

In the coming days, I will be embarking on a new creative endeavor, and I would be honored to have you by my side. Whether it's through reading, sharing, or providing feedback, your support is invaluable to me as I navigate this new chapter in my writing journey.

Stay tuned for updates on my next project, and please know that I am deeply grateful for your support, now and always. 

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for joining me on this adventure. It has been an honor and a privilege to share this story with you.

With heartfelt appreciation, 


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