Chapter 26

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Jiyong donned his blue suit as per Seunghyun's request. His short hair neatly styled, though the weariness etched on his face betrayed his struggle throughout the night. "You look like crap," Seunghyun remarked in a hushed tone, though Jiyong couldn't help but overhear, standing right next to him.

"I know," Jiyong replied with resignation, offering no resistance. "Where are the others?" His eyes scanned the room, searching for any sign of their friends.

"You know they're never on time," Seunghyun said, bowing slightly as he prepared to greet the arriving guests by the door.

"Hey, hyung... it's good to see you around," Kiyong greeted him, his left hand cradling a young boy whom he patted on the shoulder. "Say hi to Uncle, Yongi," he said to the toddler.

"Hey Yongi, how are you?" Jiyong smiled, gently pinching the kid's cheek. "Where's Jieun?"

"She's still rehearsing. Bom asked her to sing later," Kiyong explained. It was evident that Bom and Jieun had grown closer over the past few years.

"Oh, right. Thank you for visiting Daisy yesterday," Jiyong said, his expression brightening as he turned to Kiyong. "The roses looked beautiful."

Kiyong furrowed his brow in confusion. "Visit?" he repeated, puzzled by what Jiyong meant. "Yongi had a fever yesterday, so I took him to the hospital. So, no, we didn't visit anyone."

Jiyong froze for a moment, processing this information. "But only you usually bring flowers," he remarked. It was true; their other friends often visited, but they never brought anything, which made the presence of flowers even more peculiar.

"Maybe the other hyung stopped by..."

"You know the other hyungs, always showing up empty-handed, so generous, aren't they?" Jiyong remarked, turning to Seunghyun with a skeptical look.

Not long after, Kiyong arrived, followed by Taeyang, Seungri, and Daesung. They stood next to Seunghyun, their faces showing relief at seeing Jiyong after such a long time. "Good to see you here, Ji," Taeyang said, giving his best friend a light punch on the arm.

"It's good to be socializing again... but don't get too excited, I'll be back in my cave soon," Jiyong replied with a teasing grin, looking at Taeyang.

"Where are the wives?" Jiyong asked, scanning the room.

"They're walking with Bom as bridesmaids."

As the ceremony was about to start, the organizer staff ushered the men inside to stand at the front next to the groom. It wasn't their first time; after Taeyang and Kiyong's marriages, it was their third time, but they still seemed unsure of where to stand.

The groomsmen, including Jiyong, Kiyong, Taeyang, Daesung, and Seungri, lined up next to Seunghyun as the wedding song began to play. The room was filled with the scent of flowers, and there were about 50 guests inside, most of whom Jiyong recognized. The decorations were soft-toned, which made Jiyong wonder why Bom couldn't have decorated the baby's room in a similar calm tone. He chuckled to himself at the thought.

Seunghyun was grinning happily, his anticipation evident in every line of his face. Marrying Park Bom was a moment he had been waiting for his entire life. Jiyong couldn't help but peek at his best friend's expression and had to lower his gaze to hide his chuckle.

"You're not laughing at me, are you?" Seunghyun said in a low voice, revealing his nervousness.

"I want to, but I can't laugh at this serious moment," Jiyong replied, trying to suppress his amusement.

At that moment, the hall door opened, and the room dimmed, with the only light coming from the shadow of sunlight after the door opened, creating a beautiful path for the bride as she walked towards Seunghyun. Bom was wearing a white dress and holding an orchid bouquet.

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