Chapter 10

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Her heels clicked against the floor, stopping right before she turned on her body again to walk in the opposite direction -just like she had been doing almost since she got to the office. She kept thinking of the many excuses she could come up with to convince her father that San was no one important, but trying to pass him off as a fling in front of her father was something useless. Mainly because he knew her well enough to know she wouldn't be as stupid to allow something as meaningless as a hook up to make its way to her public social media.

She even met his friends. Of course her father wouldn't believe it wasn't a relationship.

When Y/n agreed to help him, she tried to make it as believable as possible, but she didn't expect that it'd be as believable as getting to the point where she had to fake it in front of her father.

Her pride was also giving her a hard time choosing. She was supposedly angry at San, and she left as the bigger person by helping him outside of what he did to her. But now she had to crawl back to him and ask him for a favor she didn't really want him to do.

—Y/n —a thin voice stopped her steps.

Her thoughts were the only thing keeping her moving, until she heard Jennifer calling her, interrupting the only fuel her body needed to move.

—Is everything alright?

—Hmm? —her eyebrows gently raised at the question of her secretary.

—I mean... You've been walking in circles for almost an hour. I was wondering if you needed help with something.

—No, it's alright —she assured.

—If it's because of some comments about your relationship, just ignore them.

Her eyebrows furrowed deeper after that sentence, making her motion Jennifer to step inside her office and close the door behind her so no one would be able to hear them.

—What are you talking about?

—It's nothing serious. Just gossip about your boyfriend —she shrugged.

She genuinely thought not that many people checked her social media at all. It wasn't like she was highly active, and she didn't have that much of a close relationship with the people in the office to have them eyeing her account.

—TTCompany sent an email congratulating you —Jennifer added—. Everyone in the company received it, I believe. Even I did.

Without letting her say anything else, or bothering to ask more about it, Y/n walked behind her desk to unlock her computer and check her email.

"It makes us so happy to congratulate, and support, Miss Y/n in this new relationship she soft launched earlier this weekend. [...] We wish them both all the best".

Y/n could feel her right eye twitching after reading that last sentence. Tim had purposely exposed her -no- relationship, forcing her to go along with the lie rather than letting it all die.

She wanted to understand why he was doing all of that, and what he could be gaining from pushing her private life all over her professional business. She could only hope it wasn't a personal revenge after she broke up with his son.

—Are you okay? —Jennifer asked again, worried.

—Uh-hum —Y/n slowly nodded—. I'm perfectly fine. But do me a favor, and write down a communication.

—About what?

—Thank everyone for their support, and ask for their discretion and professionality about this. Before you send it to everyone, send it to me.

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